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"And who the devil's to dress my periwig, you silly jade? when you knew that Miss Wardour and Sir Arthur were coming here early after breakfast, how could you let Caxon go on such a Tomfool's errand?" "Me! what could I hinder him? your honour wadna hae us contradict the captain e'en now, and him maybe deeing?" "Dying!" said the alarmed Antiquary, "eh! what? has he been worse?"

"Ay, ay it's easy for your honour, and the like o' you gentle-folks to say sae, that hae stouth and routh, and fire and fending and meat and claith, and sit dry and canny by the fireside but an ye wanted fire, and meat, and dry claes, and were deeing o' cauld, and had a sair heart, whilk is warst ava', wi' just tippence in your pouch, wadna ye be glad to buy a dram wi't, to be eilding and claes, and a supper and heart's ease into the bargain, till the morn's morning?"

Few things are hidden from the King's eye, and we could tell ye mair aboot yoursel', and the lassie you're deeing for, if we cared to speak it; but just now we have other fish to fry, and must awa' and break our fast, of the which, if truth maun be spoken, we stand greatly in need; for creature comforts maun be aye looked to as weel as spiritual wants, though the latter should be ever cared for first, as is our ain rule; and in so doing we offer an example to our subjects, which they will do weel to follow.

"That is you, Christie," said Jean; "use the lads like dirt, an' they think a' the mair o' ye." "Oh, Jean, my hairt's broken. I'm just deeing for him." "Let me speak till him then," said Jean; "I'll sune bring him till his marrow-banes;" and she took a hasty step to follow him. Christie held her fast. "I'd dee ere I'd give in till them. Oh, Jean!

The rest of the assembly were now retiring, when the domestic, again approaching the place where Edie still lingered, said, in a strong Aberdeenshire accent, "Fat is the auld feel-body deeing, that he canna gang avay, now that he's gotten baith meat and siller?" "Francis Macraw," answered Edie Ochiltree, "d'ye no mind Fontenoy, and keep thegither front and rear?"

A glance sufficed to explain to the latter the state of the Puritan. "Ah! parbleu! the man is dying, your Majesty," he exclaimed. "Deeing! is he?" cried James. "The mair reason he suld tell his secret, to us without procrastination. Harkye, prophet of ill!" he continued, as he strode forward.

The rest of the assembly were now retiring, when the domestic, again approaching the place where Edie still lingered, said, in a strong Aberdeenshire accent, "Fat is the auld feel-body deeing, that he canna gang avay, now that he's gotten baith meat and siller?" "Francis Macraw," answered Edie Ochiltree, "d'ye no mind Fontenoy, and keep thegither front and rear?"

"And who the devil's to dress my periwig, you silly jade? when you knew that Miss Wardour and Sir Arthur were coming here early after breakfast, how could you let Caxon go on such a Tomfool's errand?" "Me! what could I hinder him? your honour wadna hae us contradict the captain e'en now, and him maybe deeing?" "Dying!" said the alarmed Antiquary, "eh! what? has he been worse?"

This was the shadow that fell across the hearth the despair that was seated like a hideous ghoul by their fireside. In the morning three generations of Crawshaw would be homeless. 'Well, lad, said Jimmy's wife, 'it's no use lying daan to dee afore one's time; there's this little un to fend for, and, as I say, th' wick is o' more value than th' deeing. 'Thaa'rt hard on th' owd woman, lass.

"Na! lad, King Deeth has ower strong a grrip." "But he did what kings can do, he gave him two blows with his royal sword." "Oh, the robber, and him a deeing mon." "Two words from his royal mouth, and he and we were Barons of Ipsden and Hawthorn Glen from that day to this." "But the puir dying creature?" "What poor dying creature?" "Your forbear, lad."