United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I want to go down, but I dars n't, it 's so steep," said one of these "common children," as Maud called them. "If you 'll lend me your sled, and sit in my lap, I 'll take you down all nice," answered Polly, in a confidential tone. The little girls took a look at her, seemed satisfied, and accepted her offer.

I got out one er ole Miss's sheets w'en she wa'n' lookin, en I tie up all de summer close de bes' I kin caze dat ar do' bang hit ain' soun' like you gwine be back fo' de summer right plum hyer. I'se done heah a do' bang befo' now, en dars mo' in it den des de shettin' ter stay shet." "So you ran away?" said Dan, with a long whistle. "Ain't you done run away?"

"But Peter ceased speaking on the subject, and his face took the sad expression that seemed to have fixed itself upon him. I then spoke up to relieve the matter and said, 'Wife, you must not worry so much. You are just able to be out, and I fear you will make yourself sick again. Peter will take care of himself at least I hope so.7 De mans don't know how to take kear of demsefs. Now, dars Ham.

Are you sure, Sam? What was she a pirate?" "No, sah; a slaver, sah," he sniffed the air. "Ah kin smell dem niggers right now, sah. Ah, suah reckon dars a bunch o' ded ones under dem hatches right dis minute you white men smell dat odor?" "I certainly smell something unpleasant enough. This is the Santa Marie; the name is on the stern of that boat yonder. When did you serve aboard here?"

The banks of the abrs were full of castor-oil bushes, cotton, myrtle and tamarisk, all smothered with a pretty creeper covered with yellow flowers and little scarlet gourds. Dirgheg lies just on the left bank of the Wadi Hassan in an almost desert place. There are many dars, or towers, where the wealthy Arabs, of whom there is a considerable population, live.

"Miss Wilet; and she says if dars not nuff ob it to satisfy yo' appetite, you's to ring for mo'." "All right; tell Mamma Vi I'm much obliged," said Max.

"Time you knowed dat Miss Lou trus' me en I ain' doin' not'n ter loss dat trus'. She know bettah'n you dat ef dars eny ting ter be done I de one ter he'p." "We can trust Zany," whispered Miss Lou, who had become very pale. "You have some news about Lieutenant Scoville?" "Well, on'y dis, honey, Chunk lookin' fer 'im.

"Well," said Aun' Sheba, meditatively, "I wants ter be open ter de truf, an' I does own up, Kern, dat de Elder puts it monstis peart an' bery conwincin'. But," she continued argumentatively, laying the forefinger of her left hand on the broad palm of her right, "dars gen'ly two sides to a question. Dat's whar folks git trip up so of'n dey sees ony one side.

The old man was soon aroused, and his ejaculations and exclamations were innumerable. "No, missy, dars no un been roun' heah for right smart days. It's all safe, an' Jehu an' his ole ooman knows how ter keep mum when Mas'r Anderson says mum; an' so does my peart boy Huey" who, named for his father, was thus distinguished from him. "An' de hossifer is a Linkum man?