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Ef it means a fear to risk my own poor body in defence o' others, I reckon as how my past life'll speak for itself; and for the futer, wharsomever Colonel Todd dars to venter, Daniel Boone dars to lead. As to glory, we'll talk about that arter the battle's fought."

I should have had her wait a year or two at least." There was a step in the hall without, a rap on the door. "Come in," Edward said, and Ben appeared. "Marse Ed'ard, dey tells me dars a 'Merican gentleman bery sick in de room cross de hall hyar; gwine ter die, I reckon." "Indeed!" Edward said with concern. "I should be glad to be of assistance to him. Is he quite alone, Ben?

Machin, the engine-man, standing at the door of the slip-house, caught their attention and suggested a plan full of joyous possibilities. They gathered round the lad, and, talking in subdued murmurs, unanimously urged him with many persuasions to a certain course of action. He declined the scheme, and declined again. Suddenly a boy shouted: 'Thee dars' na'!

Kings and queens don't have anything on their tables half as good as one of your ash-cakes, with a glass of cool butter-milk." "Dat so, Honey?" she queried, with wonder. "Den you sho'ly shall have some, right away. Mammy churn dis ve'y mornin', and dars a pitcher of buttermilk coolin' in de spring dis minute.

"You'd be sprised, Marse Ed.," confided the old woman, "de improvement made by dat chile since I took her in han'. It jus' went agin my stomach to see her runnin' wild, widout a frien' in de worl', cept dose heathen Injuns. She t'ought a heap ob yer mudder, an' I could'nt tell her 'nough about her. Dat gave me a holt on her, you see, and dars no denyin' she's changed a lot since las' summer."

What I's agwine to say is dars a lot o' white livers on bof sides, an' dese dey runs away, takes to de mountains and becomes rubbers. But dey's not all bad alike, dough none of em's good. You's heer'd ob Conrad ob de Mountains, massa?" "Yes, Pedro mentioned his name. He seems to be a celebrated bandit." "Well, I's not sure.

"Aunt Martha knew nothing about Ham's precipitate retreat during the last battle, so she continued by saying: "'Jes' see, Massa Tom, de Gen'l dar. Whar he bin if he lef wid de mans when he got shotted at dat fight at Dolins-burg? He done bin dead sho. Dars whar he bin. I tell you de good Laud know who he trus' him wid; yes sah, he do.

"Yas'm, I guesses I better, an' I reckons I better git me a belt an' some shoes, 'case if I gotter be oneasy in ma min' dars no sort o' reason fer ma bein' uneasy in ma FOOTS too, ner dem chillern neither. Dey ain' never is had shoes all 'roun' ter onct, but I reckons dey better he fitted out right fer dey daddy's funeral. Dey can't tend it hut onct in all dey life-times no how.

"Pity dars no time to get a new dress, Miss Elsie," remarked the handmaiden half regretfully. "Doe sho' nuff you couldn't look no sweeter and beautifuller dan you does in dis." "I prefer this, Dinah, because they all even dear, dear papa have seen me in it," Elsie said, hastily wiping away a tear; "and I remember he said it became me well.

'I dare, was the drawled, smiling answer. 'I tell thee thee dars' na'! 'I tell thee I dare. And thereupon he slowly but resolutely set out for the slip-house door and Mr. Machin.