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It was just then that Ebony observed him and uttered a falsetto cry of astonishment. The Secretary, who was conducting Mark and Hockins on a visit to one of the suburban places of resort, stopped and looked round. "Dars Mamba, massa!" cried Ebony. Mark ran to him at once, but was stopped by the guard.

"When po' nigger han bin tie, an' yunna bocra got eberyt'ing gun, cannon an' all de am-nition, an' beside dat, de town full wid strange trash frum all ober de country to crush dem? Some er dese men I sees shootin' an' killin', dars men an' umen livin' er my race dat nussed an' tuk keer er dem w'en dey bin little.

"Very well, then; it is up to you to get away, and I take it that you understand this river. Where is the main current along here?" "From de p'int yonder, over ter de east shore." "And the depth of water across from us? We are going to head up stream." "Yas, sah; yer plannin' fer ter go nor'. Wal, sah, dars planty o' watah fer dis yere boat right now, wid de spring floods.

I was a slave in Carlina, an' I had a good massa, Miss; a fus-rate man, but he done tuk sick an' died, an' then wh-e-ew," and he gave a long, low whistle, "thar cum sich a time thar; de ole woman she done no nuthin' 'bout de biznis, an' de big son he sell all de niggers an' get all de money, an' dars whar my trubbel begin.

"An' dars' Ann' Priscilla's boy, Jake, who ain't a brudder yit, though he's plenty old 'nuf, min', I tell ye; an' he kin read de Bible, fus' rate, an' has read it ter me ober an' ober ag'in. Ain't dat so, Jake?" Jake grinned, nodded, and hung his head, very uncomfortable at being thus publicly pointed out.

"Am dis yar de horspital fer de small-pox diseases? Dey dun tol' me ter foller de road; but fo' Gawd, all de's yar roads look erlike ter me in dis yer place. Nevah seed sich er lonsom ol' hole in all ma' bo'n days. Reckon dars any hants in dat air ol' shack?" "No, this cabin is all right," shouted one of the men; "but you stay where you are till we get away."

De Gen! all right; dars no danger 'bout him; he am safe. De Laud protect him. He dun sabe him all dis time for good. Don't you see de Sesh git whip whareber he goes? Dey all done killed down whar he bin, and now dey jest' take him ober by whar Marsa Linkum am, and de Sesh all git smash up ober dar de same way as what dey is down whar he bin afore.

Belad el Megheba, in the upper Yafei country, is under Sultan Hakam Mohamed-bin-Ali. Neither is Sahib Lauda under the Turks; the inhabitants are Augheri. This has a very soft guttural the Arabic ghin. Our next stage was Bir Lammas, about four miles off, mostly across the monotonous plain. We passed four dars and villages. In time of war the Fadhli sultan comes and occupies one of these dars.

"An' dars' Aun' Priscilla's boy, Jake, who ain't a brudder yit, though he's plenty old 'nuf, min', I tell ye; an' he kin read de Bible, fus' rate, an' has read it ter me ober an' ober ag'in. Ain't dat so, Jake?" Jake grinned, nodded, and hung his head, very uncomfortable at being thus publicly pointed out.

Sturgeon, from the Saxon was stiriga, literally a stirrer, from the habit of the fish of stirring up the mud at the bottom of the water. Dace, through its mediæval forms darce and dars, is from the same root as our word dart, given on account of the swiftness of the fish.