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Having got the money, he was more than ever under the law of that proclivity, on the broad line to ruin, on which so many young men take stations; and still retaining his, he went at the hour of the hot joints, to dine at the Rainbow, where he met many others, in that refreshment house, of the same class, who, like himself, considered that is, while the money was there that guineas in the purse supersede the necessity of having ideas in the head.

He was pressed to dine with Madame de Maintenon; but he would not do so, and had his dinner, as usual, with the ladies. The tears often ran down his cheek, during the meal, which was short. After this, he shut himself up in Madame de Maintenon's rooms until seven o'clock, and then took a turn in his garden.

Lilias, much shocked by this account of the distress into which she and Jane had been the means of bringing the widow, reported it to her father and to the Rector; entreating the former to excuse her rent, which he willingly promised to do, and also desired his daughters to give her a blanket, and tell her to come to dine house whenever any broth was to be given away. Mr.

"You will dine here, too, mistress " he began, still with a sharp kindness.... And then, on a sudden, all grew dark about her; there was a roaring in her ears, and she fainted.

Mrs. Witherspoon has asked me there to dine. I shall take you with me." "I didn't know that people were dining out in these times." "Mrs. Witherspoon prides herself on her conservation menus. She says that she serves war things, that she gives us nothing to eat that the men need, and she likes her friends about her." "We shall miss Drusilla," Derry said.

It was then seven o'clock, and he remembered that he had asked his cousin to dine with him. He got into a cab, therefore, and desired to be driven home. What was he to do? On one point he instantly made up his mind.

You must dine with me one night at the Travellers'! I've given up eating myself, but I'm always thirsty." He looked anxiously away towards the town and began to mumble. Trent was in despair. Presently he began again. "I used to belong to the Guards, always dined there till Jacques left. Afterwards the cooking was beastly, and I can't quite remember where I went then.

"Have another made from it in the course of to-morrow two if you can." "And then," said Hulot eagerly. "Well, I will dine at your house again to-morrow; you must give me back Valerie's key, for old Crevel might ask her to return it to him, and you can meet her there the day after; then you can decide what your facts are to be. You will be quite safe, as there are two ways out.

I think we ought to have a course of talks about the whole thing. We could get people to come and tell us all they know. Rachel's got a lot of information. We could pick it out of her. And then there's that woman ... what's her name ... Mc something ... who knows all about factories ... Mc Mc Mc ..." "Mary McArthur," said Gilbert. "Yes. That's her name. I wonder if she'd come and dine with us.

The gazettes will tell you better, I suspect, than I can what is doing in the House of Representatives. The sloth with which things move is a daily source of vexation to me, as tending to protract the session. I dine with the president about once a fortnight, and now and then meet the ministers in the street. They are all very busy: quite men of business.