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Have you worn the corn-coloured gown yet?" "Oh, no, Aunt Annie!" "Well, keep it for that night. And you and Chris might No, he'll want to dine with Alice, and she'll want to see you in your new gown. I was going to say that you might dine here, but you'd better not." "I think Leslie and Acton are going to be asked to dine with us," Norma said. "Aunt Alice said something about it!"

I kept my promise, and remained away from the house: that is, after that horrible meeting and parting. I would meanly have her elder brother to dine, and almost kiss him when he went away. I used to breakfast at a coffee-house in Whitehall, in order to see Lambert go to his office; and we would salute each other sadly, and pass on without speaking. Why did not the women come out? They never did.

After he had invited the traveler to dine with him at his sunset meal, Abraham went out to offer up his evening sacrifice to God. But the traveler would not join him in prayer and thanksgiving. Abraham was angry because of the old man's lack of religion, and drove him from his tent. Later in the evening the angel of the Lord appeared to Abraham and asked him why he had driven out the old man.

She had not been at Diplow before except to dine; and since certain points of view from the windows and the garden were worth showing, Lady Flora Hollis proposed after luncheon, when some of the guests had dispersed, and the sun was sloping toward four o'clock, that the remaining party should make a little exploration.

Matters have come so about that she is in the country with very good accommodation; but age and sickness, and pride, have made her so peevish that I was forced to bribe the maid to stay with her, by a secret stipulation of half a crown a week over her wages. 'Our CLUB ended its session about six weeks ago . We now only meet to dine once a fortnight. Mr.

"When we came back from our walk we were greatly astonished not to find the felucca any more. We went to the inn, where I knew you had ordered dinner; but the inn-keeper knew nothing except that he was expecting the prince and a young officer to dine with you.

Julia Meredith, the general who brings the lovely Anna into the field. "We, that is, Mrs. Meredith and myself, are on the best of terms. I lunch with her, dine with her, lounge in her parlors, drive her to the park, take her to the operas, concerts and plays, and compliment her good looks, which are wonderfully well preserved for a woman of forty-five.

There was one from a friend of mine who was attached to the embassy here, and he asked me to go and dine with him that evening, or name some other, if I were engaged that day. I looked up at Suzee. "I have an invitation here to go out to dinner," I said to her; "do you think you can amuse yourself without me this evening?" Suzee looked sulky. "You are going out all the evening without me?

I told my landlord that I would dine at noon, and that I trusted to him to celebrate my liberation in a fitting manner, and then I went to the post office to see if there were any letters for me. I found five or six letters, with the seals intact, much to my astonishment. But Spain, as I have remarked, is peculiar in every way.

At last the signal of release came. "We need not play at 'company, Norman," said the duchess. "As you say, Verdun Royal has always been like home to you. Continue to make it so. We dine at eight it is now nearly five. You will find plenty to amuse yourself with. Whenever you wish for my society, you will find me in the drawing-room or my boudoir."