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Their morning's enterprise was more than rewarded, and the cause of the widow was in a fair way to victory, when, after having politely refused to lunch with Mr. Arthur on that day, and gracefully promised to dine at Oakley on the next day but one, they bade adieu to that flattered and fascinated gentleman, and left him at the entrance of his grounds.

None of these big fellows, these cabinet officers, know me except as an applicant. Now, the way to do this thing is to meet 'em fust sociably; wine 'em and dine 'em. Why, sir," he dropped into the schoolmaster again here, "I had two cabinet ministers, two judges, and a general at my table last night." "On YOUR invitation?" "Dear, no! all I did was to pay for it.

He knows your story; you will dine together at Huntingdon; and perhaps your wise heads may hit upon some plan for removing or diminishing the danger of your farther progress north- ward. 'I am ashamed, my dear Colonel 'Nay, said Colonel Talbot, 'you should command my purse in any event; but this money is your own.

During the lord mayor's term in London he kept open house, and every day any stranger or foreigner could dine at his table, if he could find an empty seat. Dinner, served at eleven in the early years of James, attained a degree of epicureanism rivaling dinners of the present day, although the guests ate with their fingers or their knives, forks not coming in till 1611.

When is the is the wedding-day fixed?" "Oh, no," she returned hastily, "dear me, no. She is in no hurry to marry, and he is, of course, dough in her hands. You, at least, needn't worry about that. Will you dine here?" "Sorry " "She is to be here, and Joyselle. Théo is out of town." Carron rose and hesitated. "Do you think she'd mind?" he asked piteously. A sharp pang touched her worldly heart.

At six o'clock in the evening, Captain Salmon went to dine with the other officers in St. Heliers and to drink the King's health, when the soldiers on guard beheld a cloud of smoke curling out at the air-hole at the end of the magazine. Shouting 'fire', they ran away to avoid an explosion that would have shattered them to pieces, and might perhaps endanger the entire town of St. Heliers.

'And to-night we dine at seven, my dear, said the father of the house, addressing her at the same time, 'for we thought you might be hungry after your journey. So don't take too much time in dressing, my dear; we are plain folks; we will see all your finery another night. Higgins, have Mrs. Alfred's boxes taken up at once. Mrs.

There was a very nice old gentleman up here only last night, but he didn't seem to want to intrude." "That was my father," said the boy, "and he is a nice old gentleman, and I'll introduce you some day if you like." "Can't you two come up here and dine or something to-morrow?" asked the dragon eagerly. "Only, of course, if you 'ye got nothing better to do," he added politely.

He came to consider him a friend by accident the accident of a club, where, finding themselves sitting down to dine at the same moment, they had taken the same table. Primarily, it was an opportunity to adjust some loose ends of Chip's domestic affairs; incidentally, they stumbled on a common hobby in Victorian English politics.

We can put him at home on all the subjects. Lord Meadowbank and his son, Skene and his son, Colonel Russell and his sister, dined with us. April 15. Lord Meadowbank, etc., went to Newark with me, and returned to dine with the foregoing. Charming day. April 16. Lord Meadowbank went to the circuit and our party to their various homes.