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I was bred amongst the Cistercian monks at Beaulieu Abbey." "Pooh, pooh!" they cried both together. "What sort of an upbringing is that?" "Non cuivis contingit adire Corinthum," quoth Alleyne. "Come, brother Stephen, he hath some tincture of letters," said the melancholy man more hopefully. "He may be the better judge, since he hath no call to side with either of us.

That Spanish slave who killed the Carthaginian governor in order to avenge his master and who evinced great joy in his deed, even in the greatest tortures, may shame the philosophers. Why should not one go as far as he? One may say of an advantage, as of a disadvantage: Cuivis potest accidere, quod cuiquam potest.

Saddletree," replied Mr. Butler; "for our Scottish advocates are an aristocratic race. Their brass is of the right Corinthian quality, and Non cuivis contigit adire Corinthum Aha, Mr. Saddletree?" "And aha, Mr.

Butler, the deputy-schoolmaster of a parish near Edinburgh, who at that moment came up behind them as the false Latin was uttered. "What signifies interrupting me, Mr. Butler? but I am glad to see ye notwithstanding I speak after Counsellor Crossmyloof, and he said cuivis."

Butler," rejoined Bartoline, upon whom, as may be well supposed, the jest was lost, and all but the sound of the words, "ye said a gliff syne it was quivis, and now I heard ye say cuivis with my ain ears, as plain as ever I heard a word at the fore-bar." "Give me your patience, Mr.

Before a month it is a fact that the wretched haberdashers in the city exhibited the blue stocks, called "Heiress-killers, very chaste, two-and-six:" long before that, the monde had rushed to Madame Crinoline's, or sent couriers to Madame Marabou, at Paris, so as to have copies of her dresses; but, as the Mantuan bard observes, "Non cuivis contigit," every foot cannot accommodate itself to the chaussure of Cinderella.

There are few men who durst publish to the world the prayers they make to Almighty God: "Haud cuivis promptum est, murmurque, humilesque susurros Tollere de templis, et aperto vivere voto" and this is the reason why the Pythagoreans would have them always public and heard by every one, to the end they might not prefer indecent or unjust petitions as this man: "Clare quum dixit, Apollo!

And Lord Chelford followed her, with a sad sort of smile, admiring her greatly. Of course, non cuivis contigit, it was not every man's privilege to dance with the splendid Lady of Brandon. It was only the demigods who ventured within the circle.

To which Lord North answered by saying, though he might believe a Buckingham House Junto might do a great deal, yet he had so much respect for Mr. He ended by quoting Non cuivis homini contingit, etc.; some of the Treasury prompted him Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius. We divided twice that day, besides having a third Question.

Here we have the very earliest printed ballad in the world, and, though fragmentary, it is the more precious as the style proves to demonstration, and against the frantic scepticism even of a Ritson, the antique and venerable character of those compositions. But how far do they fall short of the original simplicity! Non cuivis contingit.