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Bossuet strode over the paving-stones, ran to it, stopped the driver, made the passengers alight, offered his hand to "the ladies," dismissed the conductor, and returned, leading the vehicle and the horses by the bridle. "Omnibuses," said he, "do not pass the Corinthe. Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum."

Saddletree," replied Mr. Butler; "for our Scottish advocates are an aristocratic race. Their brass is of the right Corinthian quality, and Non cuivis contigit adire Corinthum Aha, Mr. Saddletree?" "And aha, Mr.

But whatever were his other desires and pursuits, a visit to Bath, to that place which contained the two persons he most valued in friendship and in love, was the grand object of all his financial speculations; and among other ways and means that, in the delay of the expected resources from Aristaenetus, presented themselves, was an exhibition of L20 a year, which the college had lately given him, and with five pounds of which he thought he might venture "adire Corinthum."

Saddletree," replied Mr. Butler; "for our Scottish advocates are an aristocratic race. Their brass is of the right Corinthian quality, and Non cuivis contigit adire Corinthum Aha, Mr. Saddletree?" "And aha, Mr.

The fascination of life in the untamed wilderness with its hair-raising experiences, its romance, its free abandon, appealed more strongly to the French temperament than to that of any other European race. Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum. And the French colonist of the seventeenth century had the qualities of personal courage and hardihood which enabled him to enjoy this life to the utmost.

I was bred amongst the Cistercian monks at Beaulieu Abbey." "Pooh, pooh!" they cried both together. "What sort of an upbringing is that?" "Non cuivis contingit adire Corinthum," quoth Alleyne. "Come, brother Stephen, he hath some tincture of letters," said the melancholy man more hopefully. "He may be the better judge, since he hath no call to side with either of us.