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Accordingly, no sooner was Ned's hail heard than, dropping incontinently whatever work they happened to be engaged on, the whole watch, Ritson included, hurried down on deck and aft to the taffrail, to take a share in the sport Ritson, by virtue of his superior rank, assumed the lead at once, and as a matter of course.

Wright's apprentice, the same that had fetched him out of the "King's Oak "; an exemplary youth, who slept as a rule in a garret at the top of the house. "Tom Ritson is not lodging with us just now: we have found a room for him two doors away."

Adrian Beverland Cecco d'Ascoli George Buchanan Nicodemus Frischlin Clement Marot Caspar Weiser John Williams Deforges Theophile Helot Matteo Palmieri La Grange Pierre Petit Voltaire Montgomery Keats Joseph Ritson.

"I'm sure it did," emphatically corroborated Ritson; "and it'd be doin' a real service to give the piccarooning rascals a thorough good drubbing."

"Now stand clear," commanded Ritson, as he prepared to pitch the bait overboard, "stand clear all of yer; and when I gives the word to `haul in, walk away for'ard with the line and bring his head out of water." A long steady pendulum-like swing or two of the bait followed, and then away it went out over the stern and into the water with a splash.

"Ah! Ralph Ritson, has it come to this?" said Charlie, in a voice that told only of pity and surprise. For some moments Ralph did not speak. He was evidently stunned. Presently he recovered, and, passing his hand over his brow, but never taking his eyes off the handsome face of his former friend, he said in a low tone

But the volume of Coquillart is alive to testify to the authenticity of the poem; which, after all, is needless evidence, as not even Ritson could suspect of either the skill or the malice of such a forgery, Yours most faithfully, James's Gazette, It is only too probable that a later generation has forgotten "Nicholas," the sporting Prophet of "Fun," in the reign of Mr. Hood the younger.

There was a most inviting-looking chair standing on deck near the skylight, which Captain Leicester had been using during the day, and poor Ritson thought how pleasant it would be to rest his tired limbs in it for a few minutes. Then he took a stroll round the decks, just to wile away the time, and to make sure that the watch and especially the lookout was not "caulking."

By G , you should have seen my grey mare, Smith; by G , she's a glorious fencer." "You don't hunt, do you, Ritson?" interrogated Mr. Smith. "Yes, I do," replied Mr. Ritson, affectedly playing with his Woodstock glove; "yes, but I only hunt in Leicestershire with my friend, Lord Bobadob; 'tis not the thing to hunt any where else, 'tis so vulgar."

"Try to be calm, Shank," said Charlie, in a soothing tone, as he kneeled beside the shadow that had once been his sturdy chum, and put an arm on his shoulder. "It is indeed myself this time. I have come all the way from England to seek you, for we heard, through Ritson, that you were ill and lost in these wilds, and now, through God's mercy, I have found you."