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"Of course he may have done," said Bruce. "But it's a bit fishy that he should have been playing fives all right two days running just after the competition." "He might have crocked himself then." "Then why didn't he say so?" A question which Sheen found himself unable to answer.

Thus noticed and flattered Jenny worked away, assisting in scouring knives and washing spiders, until her dress was splashed with dishwater, and her white apron crocked by the kettles. "Won't your marm scold you for getting so dirty? asked the girl with the crooked feet. "I s'pose so," said Jenny, carelessly; "but then she scolds most all the time, so I don't mind it!"

On the evening before the Geddington match, just before lock-up, Mike tapped at Burgess's study door. He tapped with his right hand, for his left was in a sling. "Come in!" yelled the captain. "Hullo!" "I'm awfully sorry, Burgess," said Mike. "I've crocked my wrist a bit." "How did you do that? You were all right at the nets?" "Slipped as I was changing," said Mike stolidly. "Is it bad?"

Helm took out her white cambric handkerchief, and rubbed it on the inside of the pot, and it crocked it! That was enough to invoke the wrath of my master, who came forth immediately with his horse-whip, with which he whipped my poor mother most unmercifully far more severely than I ever knew him to whip a horse.

And their outsides aren't so very bad, if you come to think of it. Bannister's in the first, and the other three-quarters are all good. And they've got both the second halves. You'll have practically to look after both of them now that Tony's crocked. And Baddeley has come on a lot this term. 'Babe, said Charteris, 'you have reason. I will turn over a new leaf. I will be good.

"Did you read it?" "Yes." "Well, is it all rot, or did you you know what I mean sham a crocked wrist?" "Yes," said Mike, "I did." Bob stared gloomily at his toes. "I mean," he said at last, apparently putting the finishing-touch to some train of thought, "I know I ought to be grateful, and all that. I suppose I am.

Any man with the soul of a mouse who really believed that I had been making love to his wife, couldn't have taken the things I told him without going for me at any risk. And as I'm still rather crocked up, and he knew it, there must have seemed precious little risk about it. I tell you that he was just a blustering ruffian." Mr.

I couldn't write a line of poetry to save my life. He's you simply can't imagine how frightfully brainy he is. All the same I rather like him. He was my fag at school and we were up together at Cambridge. I've more or less kept up with him ever since. He's more like a girl than a man, you know. I daresay that's why I liked him. Then he crocked up, nerves and that sort of thing.

Hogan was better than ever, while I had fallen away to the kind of man who Blackheath ask to play for them when half their team are crocked and the other half have influenza. I did not mind, however, for our college fifteen was only beaten by Trinity and Keble, and our soccer team, chiefly owing to three or four freshers, was also much better than it had been for years.

But, God bless me! you look awfully done up. You look positively ill. Come up to the house at once; we don't want you crocked." "Come on, Roddy," said Smith hoarsely. "You'll stay with us to-night. Leave the machine for once. You see, Billy, I have to rejoin at nine to-morrow to-morrow, I say; I mean this morning.