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It chanced that Bob and he had had another small encounter immediately after breakfast, and Burton felt revengeful. "I say," said Burton, "I'm jolly glad you're playing for the first against Geddington." "Thanks," said Mike. "I'm specially glad for one reason." "What's that?" inquired Mike, without interest. "Because your beast of a brother has been chucked out.

The thing was done, and it was no good brooding over the might-have-beens now. Still And the Geddington ground was supposed to be one of the easiest scoring grounds of all the public schools! "Well hit, by George!" remarked Uncle John, as Trevor, who had gone in first wicket for the second eleven, swept a half-volley to leg round to the bank where they were sitting. "That's Trevor," said Mike.

"Still, it's Bob's last year. I've got plenty of time. But I wish I could get in this year." After they had watched the match for an hour, Uncle John's restless nature asserted itself. "Suppose we go for a pull on the river now?" he suggested. They got up. "Let's just call at the shop," said Mike. "There ought to be a telegram from Geddington by this time. I wonder how Bob's got on."

You wouldn't have if only that ass Uncle John hadn't let it out." "How did he get to know? Why did you tell him?" "He got it out of me. I couldn't choke him off. He came down when you were away at Geddington, and would insist on having a look at my arm, and naturally he spotted right away there was nothing the matter with it. So it came out; that's how it was."

He ought to have been out before he'd scored, and he was out when he'd made about sixteen, only the umpire didn't seem to know that it's l-b-w when you get your leg right in front of the wicket and the ball hits it. Never saw a clearer case in my life. I was in at the other end. Bit rotten for the Geddington chaps. Just lost them the match. Their umpire, too. Bit of luck for Bob.

Uncle John smoked on in weighty silence, while Mike, staring up at the blue sky through the branches of the willow, let his mind wander to Geddington, where his fate was even now being sealed. How had the school got on? What had Bob done? If he made about twenty, would they give him his cap? Supposing.... A faint snore from Uncle John broke in on his meditations.

And Burgess, with the comfortable feeling that he had managed to combine duty and pleasure after all, wrote a note to Bob at Donaldson's, telling him to be ready to start with the team for Geddington by the 8.54 next morning. Mike's Uncle John was a wanderer on the face of the earth.

The King of France, at the breaking up of the conference, summoned a parliament at Paris, where these resolutions were solemnly confirmed, while Henry II. did the same for his Norman possessions at Rouen, and for England at Geddington, in Northamptonshire. But it was not England only that was "troubled" by the tax.

A similar ordinance was shortly adopted by Philip for France, and on February 11, Henry, then in England, held a council at Geddington, in Northamptonshire, and ordained the same tax for England. In the meantime the crusade had received a check, and partly, at least, through the fault of its most eager leader, Richard of Poitou.

The M.C.C., led by Mike's brother Reggie, the least of the three first-class-cricketing Jacksons, had smashed them by a hundred and fifty runs. Geddington had wiped them off the face of the earth.