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Coel. cristata itself comes from Nepaul, where the summer sun is terrible, and it covers the rocks most exposed. But I will only name a few of those recognized as hot. Amongst the most striking of flowers, exquisitely pretty also, is Coel. pandurata, from Borneo.

The flowers used are Celosia cristata L., Graptophyllum hortense nees; Coleus atropurpeus Benth. A raid is made only when the moon is full. A dish of red rice is decorated with red flowers and is placed in the center of the room.

E. scopa cristata. This curious monstrosity owes its origin to fasciation similar to what occurs in the Celosias or Cockscombs, in some Echeverias, &c. These monster varieties of Cactuses do not flower, but they are nevertheless interesting, and worth growing on account of their curious shapes. One of the smallest plants in the genus, and one of the prettiest.

Writing about Echinopsis cristata, which he grew and flowered exceptionally well, he says: "This showy plant is a native of Chili, and, like its Mexican allies, thrives if potted in light loam, with a little leaf mould and a few nodules of lime rubbish. The latter are for the purpose of keeping the soil open; it is also necessary that the soil should be well drained.

She was a devoted mother, brooding her bantlings for hours every day, till they were so big that it was hard to crowd them back into the cradle; and he was an equally faithful father, working from four o'clock in the morning till after dusk, a good deal of the time feeding the whole family. I acquired a new respect for Cyanocitta cristata.

Here is falcata, with its roots twisted round a sea-weed. Here is cristata, on the same weed; and here is a piece of the beautiful myriophyllum, which has been battered in its long journey out of the deep water about the ore rock. For all these you must consult Johnson's "Zoophytes," and for a dozen smaller species, which you would probably find tangled among them, or parasitic on the sea-weed.

The corolla is on a long stalk, a foot or more high; but how to describe it is the difficulty. Imagine a bat with expanded wings, with the addition of a tail, spread out before you, having on its breast a rosette of narrow ribbon, of the same dusky colour, and you will gain some idea of its form and colour. Its botanical name is Attacia cristata. Here is the rose-tent.

Pernis cristata. Perrier, M., on sexual selection; on bees. Perseverance, a characteristic of man. Persians, said to be improved by intermixture with Georgians and Circassians. Personnat, M., on Bombyx Yamamai. Peruvians, civilisation of the, not foreign. Petrels, colours of. Petrocincla cyanea, young of. Petrocossyphus. Petronia. Pfeiffer, Ida, on Javan ideas of beauty.

Respecting the hereditary tendencies these rich varieties with flattened stems may be put in the same category with the twisted races. Two points however, seem to be of especial interest and to deserve a separate treatment. The common cockscomb or Celosia cristata, one of the oldest and most widely cultivated fasciated varieties may be used to illustrate the first point.

Naturally, the stem in this species is globular or slightly egg-shaped, and bears about fourteen ridges, upon which are tufts of short spines, springing from little cushions of whitish wool. The position of the flowers is shown in the figure. The tube is covered with tufts of hair-like spines, and the petals and sepals are broad, spreading, and white, tinged with yellow, as in E. cristata.