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O'Dwyer, very bad, very bad indeed." "Glory be to God, the poor cratures!" said the soft-hearted lady. "It isn't much the like of us have to give away, Father Bernard; I needn't be telling you that. But we'll help, you know, we'll help." "And so will father, uncle Bernard. If you're so bad off about here I know he'll give you a thrifle for the asking."

"Och! the poor sowls, sure it was only ignorance and foolishness on their part onraisonable cratures all or most of them is." "Let me know at once what they said, you knave, or upon my honor and soul I'll turn you out of the room and bring in Hanlon."

Doos a'most anyting 'cept what's good." "Swate cratures," murmured Rooney; "I hope we'll be introdooced to aich other soon." As it is desirable that the reader should have a little more extended knowledge of the miscreants referred to, we will retrace our steps in time a little, and change the scene.

But I'll tell you how that is, and I'll go slow over these broken stones for I can't go fast: it is where there's no jantleman over these under-agents, as here, they do as they plase; and when they have set the land they get rasonable from the head landlords, to poor cratures at a rack-rent, that they can't live and pay the rent, they say 'Who says?

They are miserable, half-starved cratures all them foreigners, they tells me; and if a man is not fed, sure you can't expect him to fight. I couldn't do it myself. And I hope the duke ain't going to put us on short rations, because it would be murther entirely on the boys to make them fight with impty stomachs." "I fancy we shall be all right as to that, Denis.

There's a luck-penny for the child to begin with," added he, throwing the child a penny. "Your honour, they're only poor cratures going up the country to beg, while the man goes over to reap the harvest in England. Nor this would not be, neither, if the lord was in it to give 'em employ.

Look here," she said, throwing out her handsome bare arm, "look at the bare fields lying waste because the seed cannot be got to put in the ground; they're cryin' up to God against it. The cratures here have not enough yellow male to keep the hunger off. If they had waited till harvest there would be a color of justice to it."

I've seen him take two or three hundred people who didn't know they had a grievance in the wurrld the poor cratures they were just contented to go on bein' ground down and trampled on and they not knowing a thing about it I've seen me father take that crowd and in five minutes, afther he had started spakin' to them ye wouldn't know they were the same people.

There's a luck-penny for the child to begin with, added he, throwing the child a penny. 'Your honour, they're only poor CRATURES going up the country to beg, while the man goes over to reap the harvest in England.

"She can't see them now, the cratures," replied the other; "and may the devil knock the light out of her eyes at any rate," he added, "for sure, they say it's the light of hell that's in them."