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'Pray, my good friend, may I ask what that is you have on your shoulder? said Lord Colambre. PLASE your honour, it is only a private still, which I've just caught out yonder in the bog; and I'm carrying it in with all speed to the gauger, to make a discovery, that the JANTLEMAN may benefit by the reward; I expect he'll make me a compliment.

I would not use any jantleman so ill, BARRING I could do no other, replied the postillion, coolly; then, leaping across the ditch, or, as he called it, the GRIPE of the ditch, he scrambled up, and while he was scrambling, said, 'If your honour will lend me your hand till I pull you up the back of the ditch, the horses will stand while we go.

Notwithstanding the shabby greatcoat, the shrewd postillion perceived, by our hero's language, that he was a gentleman. 'It's only bad just hereabouts, and that by accident, said he, 'on account of there being no jantleman resident in it, nor near; but only a bit of an under-agent, a great little rogue, who gets his own turn out of the roads, and of everything else in life.

Then the present Mabel is as sweet a cratur as ever the ould Mabel Kelly was but I must mind the pratees. Mr. H. Hold! my gude girl, let me do that for you; mine is a strong haund. Biddy. I thank your honour, it's too much trouble entirely for a jantleman like you; but it's always the best jantleman has the laste pride.

That would never answer for me; so I am not like them that would overturn all to get uppermost; I never had any hand, art, or part, in a thing of the kind; I always thought and knew I was best as I am; not but what, if I was to change with any, it is with you, my lord, I would be proud to change; because if I was to be a jantleman at all, I'd wish to be of a ra-al good ould family born."

He continued: "Go h-open you' owze; I fin' you' daughteh dad uzban'." Madame Delphine was a helpless, timid thing; but her eyes showed she was about to resent this offer. Monsieur Vignevielle put forth his hand it touched her shoulder and said, kindly still, and without eagerness: "One w'ite man, Madame: 'tis prattycabble. I know 'tis prattycabble. One w'ite jantleman, Madame. You can truz me.

That's all I have to say, if I was to talk till Christmas and fewest words is best in matters of business. Christy. Fifty guineas in gold! Don't part with a guinea of them, man, put 'em up again. You shall have the new inn without a word more, and into the bargain my good-will and my daughter and you're a jantleman, and can't say no to that, any way. Gilb.

My poor foster-brother had, it seems, in vain attempted to restrain the wasteful folly of his wife, and to persuade Johnny, the young heir-apparent, to larn to be a jantleman: in vain Christy tried to prevail on his lordship to "refrain drinking whisky preferably to claret:" the youth pleaded both his father's and mother's examples; and said, that as he was an only son, and his father had but a life-interest in the estate, he expected to be indulged; he repeated continually "a short life and a merry one for me."

"Indade, and the less ye say about politeness the betther, when ye're afther ordering the jantleman out of the room in that fashion!" said the waitress. Then she pulled off her cap and untied her apron. "Now for the Christmas-tree," she said.

He lives just by here, in the country, under-agent to Lord Clonbrony, as old Nick is upper-agent it's only a joke among the people, that are not fond of them at all. Lord Clonbrony himself is a very good jantleman, if he was not an absentee, resident in London, leaving us and everything to the likes of them.