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The plump, copper-skinned maiden was overjoyed by the opportunity to examine anything so wonderful as a white girl at close range. No part of Colina's person or attire escaped her scrutiny. Marya stroked her with a soft crooning. The fastidious Colina bore it, smiling. At the throat of her waist Colina was wearing a topaz-pin, to which the Indian girl's eyes ever returned, dazzled.

"Here I'll await you, you old copper-skinned hoodlum!" he called out, in unmistakable English. Lone Wolf did not check his speed; nor, on the other hand, did he hasten it. Let alone, he was sure to reach the proper point in due time; but the trouble was that Sut had no time to spare.

"What if the copper-skinned critters attack us I've got my gun handy, and I give you my word there'll be the very old dickens to pay if they start rough-housing it with us," answered the young logger; and it was not in a boastful spirit that he spoke, for Eli usually showed a modest disposition; only he, too, had taken a great fancy to the new chum who had been sent to them by such a freak of fortune, and Cuthbert's intimation that the other must be the victim of oppression rather riled him.

"I've killed many a deer in a minit it don't hurt a man to die more than a deer. I wish the snarvilorous copper-skinned rascals would git through quick!" said Sneak. "Me try you agin," said the savage, again going to Sneak. "Well, now, what're you a going to do? I'm not afraid of you!" said Sneak, grinding his teeth. "Me rub your head," said the savage, seizing a tuft of hair and tearing it out.

They paddled for just about three hours that afternoon, and met one Indian in a birch bark canoe, shooting downstream. Both Cuthbert and Eli greeted him heartily; but they noticed that he looked at their new companion in something of a strange manner, though not saying a word to Owen, who seemed to pay no attention to the copper-skinned voyager.

"I'd have said thanky for a good deal less than that, if it had been me," said Tom gruffly, as he stood gazing after the retreating party. "They're a nice lot, Mas'r Harry swam off like a set of copper-skinned varmints, and left the gal to drownd; and when some one else has the pluck to save her, they look savage and disappointed, and snatch her away just as if they were recovering stolen goods.

Taggart an' his dad is somewhere around here I was to meet them down the river a piece. Telza double-crossed me; tried to sneak over here an' hunt the idol himself. I found him he had the diagram. I tried to get it from him he stuck his toad-sticker in me, . . . the little copper-skinned devil. He " He hesitated and choked, raising himself as though to get a long breath.

The guns went off together, and the pair sprang up and ran after their companions, to find fifty yards nearer the boat the captain and his officers down on one knee waiting to cover them. "Well aimed!" cried the former. "You two halt to cover us just at the water's edge. That'll give the boys time to get aboard, and then we can laugh at the copper-skinned vermin.

There was fighting by the exit doors. There was an ululating uproar in the incoming screening room, and a war whoop from the top of the Platform. A saboteur tried to crawl into an air-lock entrance, and he got his head and shoulders in, but a copper-skinned Indian held his forehead still and chopped down with the side of his hand on that man's neck.

The result may be expected; for no matter how widely tastes differ, every child likes jam. It was real good to see the hearty way in which that copper-skinned maid smacked her tiny cherry lips, and looked her grateful thanks through her great lustrous almond eyes.