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Mike the midget, inside the Platform, found one bloodied, panting, sobbing man who somehow had gotten inside. And Mike brought down a spanner from a ladder step, and swarmed upon his half-conscious victim, and hit him again, and then stayed on guard until somebody arrived who was big enough to carry the saboteur away. And all this while, Joe struggled with only one man.

All the waves that you see," she continued, pointing to the line, "represent answers to questions about his personal life. Does he shave in the morning? Does he brush his teeth at night, and so forth. They're comparison questions to show his reaction when he tells the truth. That peak indicates a lie." "Then," said Strong thoughtfully, "he might be the saboteur." "Or know who it is," said Joan.

Inadvertently, but as though by his very hand, certainly through the agency of some saboteur he had failed to spot, his weapon had been turned on his own troops at Thule, key post in the plan. It was possible that the entire plan had been sabotaged, though that seemed quite unlikely. Its ramifications were too great.

He decreased the magnification of Hot Rod so that the entire project showed. Mike arrived first, almost skidding to a stop at the captain's console, Ishie right behind him. "The saboteur seven men that I believe to be saboteurs are aboard Hot Rod," the captain told him crisply. "Can they activate it?" "Captain, there's no saboteur...." Mike began, but the captain interrupted.

The idea was that there was a pattern of thinking in sabotage, and if you could solve it, you could outguess the saboteur. But the trouble was to figure out the similarity he felt existed in say a private plane shooting rockets and overhaul mechanics planting booby traps and faked shippers getting bombs on planes and come to think of it, there was Braun.... Braun was the key!

And he was only permitted to work on less critical projects. "Do you have anything to say?" Walters asked. Troy smiled at them and shook his head. "No, sir. That's fine with me," he said. "And I'll keep my eye open for the real saboteur " "That won't be necessary!" snapped Connel. "We're capable of handling our own detective work." Troy grinned again. "Very well, sir," he said.

"It must be really something with all the gear to control those projectiles when they're released." "Do you believe any of that talk about her being jinxed?" asked Astro. "Stop being a Venusian lunkhead!" snorted Roger. "The only thing wrong with that ship is a rocket-blasting clever saboteur." "You know," said Astro, "I've been thinking." "Don't strain yourself," snorted Roger.

"But we found out what was wrong with her eventually!" "Yes, but the legend still exists that the Spaceglow had intelligence of its own!" asserted Walters. "All right," snorted Connel. "So we have to fight superstition! But, blast it, Commander, we're faced with a saboteur. There's nothing supernatural or mysterious about a man with a bomb!"

And the attempt to smash the entire Platform by getting an atomic bomb into a plane and having a saboteur shoot the crew and then deliver the bomb at the Shed in an officially harmless aircraft.... The common element in all those sabotage tricks was actually clear enough, but Joe wasn't used to thinking in such terms.

And I'm not sure just where but look. Hot Rod's cable is taut. There's thrust on the balloon. That probably means a puncture and escaping nitrogen. "I think," he said, "that the saboteur may have been a meteor that punctured the balloon, and the nitrogen escaping through the hole it made is now producing enough thrust to keep that cable taut.