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Kane did not have to answer verbally. He thrust forward a bundle. Rhoda seized it and started for the station where there was a room in which she could change her clothes. Before she quite reached the platform the driver spoke his first word: "Thanky, Miss Rhody. I'm fine." Rhoda nodded over her shoulder, laughing at the surprise and amusement of her friends, and disappeared.

"En now des fem me hyear how ole I is," he wound up sorrowfully. There, now, since you've found out what you wanted, you'd better spend the night with Uncle Boaz." "Thanky, ma'am, but I mus' be gwine back agin," responded Uncle Isam, shuffling to his feet, "en ef you don' min', Marse Christopher, I'd like a wud wid you outside de do'."

Here's my handkerchief if yours is wet," he said, pulling out a dingy article which had evidently already done service as a towel. "Don't want it," muttered Sam, gruffly, as he poured the water out of his muddy shoes. "I was taught to say 'Thanky' when folks got me out of scrapes.

"Thanky, Majah," was all he said. He seemed to be thinking of something far away. He barely spoke to his wife when she frantically threw herself on him, and clung to his neck, as he passed through the side room on his way to jail. He kissed his children mechanically, and did not reply to the soothing remarks made by the jailer. There was a good deal of excitement in town the next morning.

"Give Billy Widgeon a cocoa-nut to stop his talk," said the boatswain; "and there's a bit o' 'bacco for you, Billy, to clear your memory, my lad." "Oh, my memory's clear enough, Mr Small, sir," said Billy, who was eating something all the time; "but thanky all the same. And now, how have you got on?" "Oh," said the boatswain, "we've had a bit of a scare!"

Curly gulped it down; and into his eyes came a brief, grateful glow as human as the expression in the eye of a faithful setter dog. "Thanky, boss," he said, quietly. "You're thirty miles from a railroad, and forty miles from a saloon," said Ranse. Curly fell back weakly against the steps. "Since you are here," continued the ranchman, "come along with me. We can't turn you out on the prairie.

"Sir Everard's mother has left Kingsland Court. I am companion to Sir Everard's wife." "Ah! jest so! Got married lately, didn't he! Might I ask your name, miss?" "I am Sybilla Silver." "Thanky," said Mr. Parmalee, with a satisfied nod. "So much easier getting along when you know a person's name. Married a Miss Hunsden, didn't he the baronet?" "Yes. Miss Harriet Hunsden." "That's her.

"Yes, sir, thanky, sir, fer not telling him," answered Dabney, as he followed his master to the tool house under the back steps, deposited the garden implements where he was directed, and then again followed his idol in through the long dining room window and was lost in the shadow.

"Thanky, Miss Annie," he said, after a momentary hesitation, "I dunno ez I keers ef I does tas'e a piece er dat ham, ef yer'll cut me off a slice un it." "No," said Annie, "I won't. Just sit down to the table and help yourself; eat all you want, and don't be bashful." Julius drew a chair up to the table, while my wife and I went out on the piazza.

Go in, Trixie, and help your uncle off with his coat, for there were snorting and puffing signs from the next room, as if their relative were in difficulties; but before Trixie could rise the voice was heard again, 'That's it, Ann, thanky you're called Ann, aren't you? I thought so. Ah, how's the baker, Ann wasn't it the baker I caught down the airy now? wasn't it, hey?