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I'll say this much f'r him, he's a brave man, a dam brave man. I don't like a Spanyard no more than ye do, Hinnissy. I niver see wan. But, if this here man was a was a Zulu, I'd say he was a brave man. If I was aboord wan iv thim yachts that was convarted, I'd go to this here Cervera, an' I'd say: 'Manuel, I'd say, 'ye're all right, me boy.

Th' Gloucester used to be owned be Pierpont Morgan; but 'twas convarted, an' is now leadin' a dacint life. Th' Gloucester sunk thim all, th' Christobell Comma, the Viscera, an' th' Admiral O'Quinn. It thin wint up to two Spanish torpedo boats an' giv thim wan punch, an' away they wint.

"Well, then," said Darby, "first, there is Paudeen Rafferty, of Dernascobe; Paudeen, sir, is, at the present spaking, badly given to drink, and he swears, and fights mortially, too, the hathen; but, then, he's in darkness, sir, yet; and you know that the greater the sinner the greater the saint. If Paudeen was dacently convarted he'd make a mighty fine Christian no doubt.

Have they all been convarted i' this twelvemonth?" he was thinking. And the flitting perplexed thought did not escape the observation of John McDonald, who was as quick a reader of faces as Sandy himself, and had been by no means free from anxiety for his little Bel when he saw the redoubtable visage of the exciseman appear in the doorway.

To the Vicar's surprise the small crowd after a minute began to follow the man's lead, until at length he could scarcely read for these interruptions. At supper that night Pascoe sprang a question on the Vicar. "Be you convarted?" he asked, looking up with his mouth full of bread and cheese. "I hope so." "Aw, you hopes! 'Tis a bad case with 'ee, then. When a man's convarted, he knows.

I'm sorry to say that this appeal fr'm th' cradle iv our liberties wasn't succissful. Th' hide iv th' pauperized kine iv Europe will have to cough up at th' custom house befure they can be convarted into brogans. This pathriotic result was secured be th' gallant Bailey iv Texas. A fine lib'ral minded fellow, that lad Bailey. He's an ardint free thrader, mind ye.

You make use of churches, pulpits, parsons, Bibles, and anti-Popery lectures to secure the election for the brethren; but the Methodists secure the same gift by means of some 'straw. At the camp meeting held last year at M ville, of which the Irish laborer who spent a night there said, 'that there were more souls made there than convarted, at that meeting, where there were twenty thousand persons present, I heard a preacher cry out, 'More straw! more straw!

'Sind out some row-boats an' a yacht, an' desthroy thim. Clubs is thrumps, he says, and he wint on playin'. Th' Spanish fleet was attackted on all sides be our br-rave la-ads, nobly assisted be th' dispatch boats iv the newspapers. Wan by wan they was desthroyed. Three battle-ships attackted th' convarted yacht Gloucester.

An' say, whut's become o' Si Johnson an' Mack Truman? We wuz boys together, an' many's the game we've Good Lawd!" he broke off joyfully as he mixed the toddy, "I hain't been so happy sence the day I wuz convarted an' chased the devil outen the persimmon-tree!"

For wounded the man was right sore, and I nursed him for the sake of the goold he gave me. Lashin's of goold, and the like had never been seen in our house since before Boyd Connoway there, that now has the face to call himself a convarted man, was the head of it." "What did this man call himself?" the Fiscal demanded.