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We'll lay for the spalpeen, the whole of E Troop, at the Ring o' Bells, an' whin he shwaggers in like he was a Dhraghoon an' a sodger, ye'll up an' say 'Threes about' an' act accordin' subsequint, an' learn the baste not to desthroy an' insult his betthers of the Ould Second. Thread on the tail of his coat, Matty...."

To begin with he's a Dutchman. If that ain't enough he's a cantin', hymn singin' murdhrous wretch that wuddent lave wan iv our counthrymen ate a square meal if he had his way. I'll give ye all two dollars a week if ye'll go over an' desthroy him. An' th' other la-ad, what does he do? He calls in th' neighbors an' says he: 'Dooley is sindin' down a gang iv savages to murdher me.

Several nights after this, our slumbers were disturbed, about midnight, by an awful yell, and old Jenny shook violently at our chamber door. "Masther, masther, dear! Get up wid you this moment, or the bear will desthroy the cattle intirely." Half asleep, Moodie sprang from his bed, seized his gun, and ran out. I threw my large cloak round me, struck a light, and followed him to the door.

Unless a couple happens to be Siamese twins, they're bound to get separated in the course of events, more or less, if not frequently." "I won't go, daddy." "Oh, yes you will. It's not like you to be breakin' my heart by stayin' home. Next week, said that wicked old uncle he remoinds me of the one that tried to desthroy the Babes in the Woods, Patsy dear.

Francesca then went across the hall to examine her methods of communication, and presently I heard a welcome tinkle, and another, and another, followed in due season by a cheerful voice, saying, "Don't desthroy it intirely, ma'am; I'll be coming direckly."

Didn't Leonidas, with hardly as manny men as there are Raypublicans in this precint, hold th' pass again a savage horde? he says. 'He did, says I. 'He did. 'An' didn't What's-his-name on th' field iv Marathon overcome an' desthroy th' ravagin' armies iv Persia? he says. 'Thrue f'r ye, says I. 'There's no doubt in th' wurruld about it, I says. 'An' look at Alexander th' Great, he says.

A burning and shining light among the Home Rulers of Stranorlar having been indicated, I contrived to meet him accidentally as it were, and after some preliminary remarks of a casual nature my friend informed me that he was agin Home Rule, as, in his opinion, it would desthroy the counthry; that the farmers believed they would get the land for nothing, and that they were told this by "priests and lawyers;" that he believed this to be a delusion from which the people would have a dreadful awakening; that Protestants were better off, cleaner, honester than Catholics; that they were much more industrious and far better farmers, and so forth, and so forth.

That night Dam dreamed his dream and, on the morrow, behind the Riding-School, and in fifteen rounds, became, by common consent, champion bruiser of the Queen's Greys by no ambition of his own. And so as has been said Trooper Henry Hawker ungrudgingly referred Trooper Phelim O'Shaughnessy to him in the matter of reducing the pride of the Young Jock who had dared to "desthroy" a dragoon.

'Where did he get th' hat? demands th' mob. Down with th' bad tile! they say. 'A base th' lid! An' they desthroy th' hat, an' th' man undher it succumbs to th' rule iv th' majority an' jines th' mob. On they go till they come to a restaurant. 'Ha, says they, 'th' re-sort iv th' infamious Duclose. 'His char-rges ar-re high, says wan. 'I found a fish-bone in his soup, says another.

Out th' window, says I. Just thin Dorsey's nanny-goat that died next year put her head through th' dure. 'Can't I make ye up a nice supper? says Dorsey. 'Do ye like paper? he says. 'Would ye like to help desthroy a Dutchman, he says, 'an' perform a sarvice f'r ye'er counthry? he says.