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You may think you can, but a little reflection will show you that you are merely setting aside some of your mental qualities or faculties. And in this process what is the "I" doing? Simply setting aside and considering things. Can you not see that the "I" cannot be both the considerer and the thing considered the examiner and the thing examined? Can the sun shine upon itself by its own light?

You may consider the "I" of some other person, but it is your "I" that is considering. But you cannot, as an "I," stand aside and see yourself as an "I." Then what evidence have we that there is an "I" to us? This: that you are always conscious of being the considerer and examiner, instead of the considered and examined thing and then, you have the evidence of your consciousness.

The dominating type of man in all the world's legislative bodies, for the time being, seems to be the considerer or reconsiderer, the man who dotes on the little and tiddly sides of great problems.

This wood may afford us an experiment which, besides the singularity of it, may give no small assistance to an attentive considerer towards the detection of the nature of colours. Take Lignum, Nephriticum, and with a knife cut it into thin slices: put about a handful of these slices into two or three or four pounds of the purest spring water.

From God he's a backslider, Of ways he loves the wider; With wickedness a sider, More venom than a spider. In sin he's a considerer, A make-bate and divider; Blind reason is his guider, The devil is his rider. Children become, while little, our delights! When they grow bigger, they begin to fright's. Their sinful nature prompts them to rebel, And to delight in paths that lead to hell.

When I came more particularly to considerer of the real danger I had for so many years escaped; how I had walked about in the greatest security and tranquility, at a time, perhaps, when even nothing but the brow of a hill, a great tree, or the common approach of night, had interposed between me and the destructive hands of the cannibals, who would devour me with as good an appetite, as I would a pigeon or curlew; surely all this, I say, could not but make me sincerely thankful to my great Preserver, whose singular protection I acknowledge with the greatest humility, and without which I must inevitably have fallen into the cruel hands of those devourers.

He is the considerer, the prudent, taking in sail, counting stock, husbanding his means, believing that a man has too many enemies, than that he can afford to be his own; that we cannot give ourselves too many advantages, in this unequal conflict, with powers so vast and unweariable ranged on one side, and this little, conceited, vulnerable popinjay that a man is, bobbing up and down into every danger, on the other.

Sir Moses Montefiore ne fut pas le plus célèbre: mais il avait une spécialité. en 1784, il mourut en 1885, ayant été toute sa vie un objet d'horreur pour les teetotallers; car de quel oeil en vérité pouvaient-ils considérer un homme qui buvait chaque jour une bouteille de porto, et

Je suis d'ailleurs fort heureux d'avoir quelquefois, par votre intermediaire, des relations avec Lord Salisbury, pour le caractere et le talent duquel j'ai toujours eu une si haute estime, et que j'aime d'ailleurs toujours a considerer comme mon proche voisin de campagne.

L'impératrice, fille de l'empereur de Traséonde (Trébisonde), me parut une fort belle personne. Cependant, comme je ne pouvois la voir que de loin, je voulus la considérer de plus près: d'ailleurs j'étois curieux de savoir comment elle montoit