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I said Hannah was in a clove hitch, didn't I? Well, she is, but Kenelm well, Kenelm's like a young one runnin' 'tiddly' on thin ice worse'n that, 'cause he can't stop on either side, got to keep runnin' between 'em and look out and not fall in."

Wot does it matter now 'oo knows all there is to know? Just gimme a minnit." Verity poured out some brandy. Man is but a creature of habit, and the hospitable Lancastrian does not drink alone when there is company. "'Ave a tiddly?" he inquired blandly. Both Bulmer and the journalist believed that David was losing his faculties.

It's very, very tiddly wee." It was, indeed! and Mirak sat large-eyed in admiration of his sister's ingenuity, while she, mistress of the situation, did this and that until even she was satisfied. "And now, Mirak!" chattered Bija, "we'll go down and go to bed like good boys and girls, and then when the others are saying their prayers and going to sleep we can come up again and sleep here."

The dominating type of man in all the world's legislative bodies, for the time being, seems to be the considerer or reconsiderer, the man who dotes on the little and tiddly sides of great problems.

No woman, however large, could have had a more exquisite boudoir and bedchamber combined. The couch, as she always called it, was a genuine Queen Mab, with club legs; and she varied the bedspreads according to what fruit-blossom was in season. There was a chandelier from Tiddly winks for the look of the thing, but of course she lit the residence herself.

Any gentleman acting in our way can't be too particular, can't have too many facts. The smallest little, tiddly things," and Bozzle as he said this seemed to enjoy immensely the flavour of his own epithet, "the smallest little 'tiddly' things do so often turn up trumps when you get your evidence into court." "I'm not going to get any evidence into court." "Maybe not, sir.

She shrieked, "Spit!" And he spat. With a shriek she bade him walk on the gold, on the eagles, on the decorations, and he walked on them. Hi tiddly hi ti! Nothing was left; everything was going to pieces. She smashed a chamberlain just as she smashed a flask or a comfit box, and she made filth of him, reduced him to a heap of mud at a street corner.

The Tiddly Wink Inn was so faithfully reproduced that the painted bottles were a real temptation, while on the pastoral green of a rural landscape grazed sheep so life-like that, as Hawkes observed, it actually seemed "they would eat the scenery all up."