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All that I am, may be; but there's one thing I am not, and will never be and that's a bad brother to you. So you have my honour, and here's my oath to the back of it. By all the pride of man and all the consate of woman where will you find a bigger oath? happen what will, this day, I'll not lift my hand against Randal Rooney! Honor. Oh, thanks! warm from the heart.

You had betther keep a soft tongue in your head, an' a civil one, in the mane time. Why did the divil timpt you to take a fancy to me at all?" "That's it. Throw the grah an' love I once had for you in my teeth, now. It's a manly thing for you to do, an' you may be proud, of it. Dear knows, it would be betther for me I had fell in consate wid any face but yours." "I wish to goodness you had!

She had two buck teeth in the front of her mouth that nobody could help admirin'; and, indeed, altogether I don't wondher that the devil fell in consate wid her, for, by all accounts, they say he carries a sweet tooth himself for comely ould women like Bet Harramount. Give the tasty ould chap a wrinkle any day before a dimple, when he promotes them to be witches, as he did her.

An' you," she added, turning to her step-mother, "wid your cheeks poulticed, an' your eye blinkin' on the other side what a pair o' beauties you are, ha! ha! ha! I wouldn't be surprised if the divil an' his mother fell in consate wid you both! ha! ha!" "Is that your manners, afther spendin' the night away wid yourself?" asked her father, angrily.

You know what I told you afore about my family how we wor ever an' always doin' our best against the Sassanach Laws an ould family it is an' sure ould blood is betther than riches any day an' it isn't complexion aither, Miss Julia, that a this way, darlin' this way an' how long now is it since you fell in consate with me?

The ould lady seems but baddish I consate." This was but too true. Whether from the fright or the heat, or the unusual exertions, Madame was anything but well, and fell from one fit of hysterics to another. We could do but little to mend her, for even supposing we had had smelling salts on the island we should not have deemed it one of the necessaries to bring upon the rock.

Such as he was, however, Father Higgins had no small "consate" of himself, and sometimes thought that even a bishopric would not be "beyant his desarts."

I do moind hearin' wanst that Tim had a brother of that sort. Jim's loike him, no doubt, and he come to a bad end, so he did, a-gettin' to be an agitator, as they calls 'em. And sure what's an agitator but wan that's sour at iverybody's good luck but his own, and his own good luck turnin' out bad on account of laziness and consate?

Thursdays we have a jubal fraä Wi' bread and cheese for all the day. I'll tell you raälly, without consate, For a hungry pig 'tis a charmin' bait. At six you're locked into your cell, There until the mornin' dwell; There's a bed o' straw all to lay on, There's Hobson's choice, there's that or none."

The more he considhered, the more he'd consate himself that he'd lost mighty happiness, an' thin he wud work ut all backwards, an' cry that he niver cud ha' been happy anyways. "Time an' time an' again in camp, on p'rade, ay, an' in action, I've seen that man shut his eyes an' duck his head as you wud duck to the flicker av a bay'nit.