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Charmin', wasn't it; no one but a nice man could speak like that. So we've always remained friends, Appletown has his rooms at Morelands, and he does as he likes. He likes you, dear, he told me so. I've got a telegram from him, I'll show it to you after lunch. The servant announced Mr. Herbert St. Clare, a fastidiously-dressed man.

Have you let it?" pursues Bingo, ignoring his junior's request. Beauvayse yawns with ostentatious weariness of the subject. "No; I haven't let it." "Ought to go off like smoke, properly advertised. Somethin' like this: 'To let, Roselawn Cottage, Cookham: a charmin' Thames-side bijou residence.

Havin' known Peyton Pratt for some years I could pretty near call the turn. That free round trip ought to be big casino for him. And it was. Course, he protests polite how he couldn't allow me to put up for his fare, and adds that he's heard so much about my charmin' little fam'ly that he can't really afford to miss such a chance. "Sure you can't!" says I, smotherin' a grin.

He has been of the greatest service to me since I have been in New York in this railroad enterprise, which I am happy to say is now reachin' a culmination. You shall hear all about it after dinner. Put yo' body in that chair and yo' feet on the fender my fire and yo' fender! No, Fitz's fender and yo' andirons! Charmin' combination!"

The men go becawz its poplar & the wimin folks go to see what other wimin folks have on. When its over the lecturer goze & ragales hisself with oysters and sich, while the peple say, "What a charmin lectur that air was," etsettery, etsettery, when 9 out of 10 of um don't have no moore idee of what the lecturer sed than my kangeroo has of the sevunth speer of hevun.

It's squat-right, chiefly." The mocking Waters leaped one over the other, chuckling and chattering profanely. "In that hundred Jenkins, a tinker, with one dog unis canis holds, by the Grace of God and a habit he has of working hard, unam hidam a large potato patch. Charmin' fellow, Jenkins. Friend of ours.

"Thank you; that 'll do, Bunyan. Ah, Dick! Charmin' to see you here, at last!" In his intercourse with Mrs. Dennant, Shelton never failed to mark the typical nature of her personality. It always seemed to him that he had met so many other ladies like her. He felt that her undoubtable quality had a non-individual flavour, as if standing for her class.

It's well ye're lookin', Mrs. McDermott; and Nora, gyurl, sure ye're charmin' the night. Kittie, darlin', how do ye do? Do ye remember Captain Franklin, all of ye? Pipe up, ye naygurs that's right. Now, thin, all hands, choose yer partners fer the gr-rand march. Mrs. McDermott, darlin', we'll lead the march, sure, with Jerry's permission how'll he help himself, I wonder, if the lady says yis?

"Ah, the dear old Abbot of Wilton," said the Rat sympathetically, as one nursed in that bosom. "Charmin' fellow thorough scholar and gentleman. Such a pity!" "Oh, Sacred Fountains!" the Waters were fairly boiling. "He goes out of his way to expose his ignorance by triple bucketfuls. He creaks to high Heaven that he is hopelessly behind the common order of things!

"Oh, you don't like me this evening, Mrs. Nodelman. You are angry witn me. Else you wouldn't talk the way you do." She burst into a laugh, and said, "You're a hell of a fellow, you are." "I know I misbehaved myself, but I couldn't help it. Miss Kalmanovitch is too fat, you know, and her hands perspire so." "She's a charmin' girl," she returned, with a hearty laugh.