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"What does a person do that's smotherin'?" "Eh?" "I know. That's what I'm doing. Smotherin'!" "A touch of the old trouble, Hanna?" She sat erect, with her rather large white hands at the heavy base to her long throat. They rose and fell to her breathing.

Robert wholly absurd! Come, Verona." And as she sails out I just has time for a glance at Vee, and catches a wink. Believe me, though, a friendly wink from one of them gray eyes is worth waitin' for! She follows Aunty through the door with a handkerchief stuffed in her mouth like she was smotherin' a snicker; so I guess Vee was on. And I'm left feelin' all warmed up and chirky. Mr.

Bruce Mackey's I was caught gawpin' on and unsuspectin'. In fact, I was smotherin' a mild snicker at the situation, not dreamin' that I'd ever get any nearer to it than you would to some fool movie plot you might be watchin' worked out on the screen.

But it blowed harder harder yet: a thick wind, squally, too, blowin' dead on shore, where the breakers was leapin' half-way up the cliff. By midnight the seas was smotherin' her, fore an' aft, an' she was tuggin' at her bow anchor chain like a fish at the line. Lord! many a time I thought she'd rip her nose off when a hill o' suddy water come atop of her with a thud an' a hiss.

There's more discernment in a dog than a Jew. What garred ye curse your Board, McPhee? It's expensive. "'They'll pay more for the Breslau, I said. 'Get off my knee, ye smotherin' beast. "'Bearin's hot, eh? said McRimmon. 'It's thirty year since a man daur curse me to my face. Time was I'd ha' cast ye doon the stairway for that. "'Forgie's all! I said. He was wearin' to eighty, as I knew.

He didn't know what a bond looked like until a year ago and that piece of work called for an old hand." "Possibly, possibly," agrees Old Hickory. "It seems he is clever enough at this sort of thing, however," and he waves the program. I couldn't help smotherin' a chuckle. "Am I to infer," says Mr. Ellins, "that this He-Crab act of his was humorous?"

Let them come for me if they want me. Dance on a night like this! Why! they'll dance in " "But you promised. It won't do you no good, Johnny." "It won't do me no harm." The little woman went on stitching. "It's smotherin' hot," said Johnny, with an impatient oath. "I don't know whether I'll turn in, or turn out, under the shed to-night. It's too d d hot to roost indoors."

Course, I might be sorry; but he looks so sort of lonesome and helpless that I decides on takin' a chance. "Say, you come with me," says I, "and lemme stack you up against the real thing in Canadian mutton chops." "If it don't cost over twenty-five cents," says he. "It won't," says I, smotherin' a grin.

Hefty uttered a mighty howl of wrath and long-cherished anger, and lurched forward, but before he could reach his old-time enemy three policemen had him around the arms and by the leg, and he was as effectually stopped as though he had been chained to the floor. "Let go o' me," said Hefty, wildly. "You're smotherin' me. Give me a fair chance at him."

I am asking no questions. We agreed to " "Hush up!" Seth waved both hands in the air. "DON'T you talk! Let me get this off my chest. Good heavens alive, I've been smotherin' myself with it for years, and, now I've got started, I'll blow off steam or my b'iler'll bust. I'm GOIN' to tell you. You listen "Yes, sir, I'm a married man," he went on. "I wa'n't always married, you understand.