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Et d'abord, pour commencer par leur personnel, je dirai que ce sont d'assez beaux hommes, portant tous de longues barbes, mais de moyenne taille et de force médiocre.

"I'm getting on very well, and working hard at French. Je suis allant a commencer translater une chose par Moliere le prochain term si je suis bon. There's a howling row on in the house just now. Bickers got nobbled and sacked the other night, and shoved in the boot-box, and nobody knows who did it. I've a notion, but I'm bound to keep it dark for the sake of a mutual friend.

If I looked at these girls with little scruple, they looked at me with still less. Eulalie raised her unmoved eye to mine, and seemed to expect, passively but securely, an impromptu tribute to her majestic charms. Hortense regarded me boldly, and giggled at the same time, while she said, with an air of impudent freedom "Dictez-nous quelquechose de facile pour commencer, monsieur."

The French peasants love to be spoken to, always answer civilly, and are interested in the horses, or the donkey, or the children anything that passes. We couldn't loiter, as the bell was tolling, the children already at the church, and some one rushed down to say that "M. le Curé attendait ces dames pour commencer son office."

Lingering with a restless heart, in Allahabad, Alan Hawke roused himself as at a bugle call, when he received a telegram announcing the safe arrival of the Empress of India at Calcutta. "La danse va commencer," he muttered, as he read the brief words of his employer: "Go on to Delhi, await me there. Telegrams to you there at private address. Leave letters."

Malheureusement les trois dernieres semaines d'aout sont le seul moment ou je ne serai pas ici, et si vous venez un peu plus tot en France je vous prierais de commencer par le chateau d'Eu.... I have read the article on M'Clellan by Mr. Curtis, in the last number of the 'North American Review. It did not teach me much, for I have often talked it all over with M'Clellan, in his visits to Europe.

La Mennais says, in his Paroles d'un Croyant, that "Il y a toujours des vents brulants, qui passent sur l'ame de l'homme, et la dessechant. La priere est la rosee qui la rafraichit." And, again, "Dieu sait mieux que vous ce dont vous avez besoin, et c'est pour cela qu'il veut que vous le lui demandiez; car Dieu est lui-meme votre premier besoin, et prier Dieu, c'est commencer a posseder Dieu."

46. Et au contraire il doit estre soigneux de commencer en son temps, de pouruoir

Here again our author seems to me to refute his own supposition, That a chasm in the schistus rock may have existed at the bottom of the sea, and been then filled from above with such materials as were transported by the moving water to that place, is not impossible; but nobody, who knows the nature of a common metallic vein, can ever suppose it to have been filled in that manner. Our author then adds, "On ne fait réellement que commencer dans ce genre d'observations, considérées quant

He declared his motto to be "Pour principe de commencer par avoir de la con-fiance." Undeterred by intrigues, and finding that his project met with a favourable reception throughout the Continent of Europe, he determined, in 1858, to open a subscription which would secure funds for the undertaking.