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We see the ruins of a castle on the heights where le 'jeune et beau Dunois' performed historical prodigies of valour; and the chapel where he 'allait prier Marie, bénir ses exploits. But the modern military aspect of things is, we are bound to confess, prosaic to a degree; we find the Dunois of the period occupied in more peaceful pursuits, mending shoes, tending little children, and carrying wood for winter fires.

"Je vous conseille de vous faire prier," said M. Emanuel, imperially menacing the other ear. One Napoleonic compliment, however, was enough, so I made up my mind to be of the party. The morning broke calm as summer, with singing of birds in the garden, and a light dew-mist that promised heat.

"Je me permets de vous prier d'avoir l'extreme obligeance de m'indiquer le nombre total des habitants de Tristan da Cunha avec Dependances et la quantite de ceux qui appartiennent a la religion mahometane, avec l'indication du nombre des Sunites ou Chuetes et de leur nationalite respective.

'Yes, that is the kind of church I am looking for. 'Very good, rejoined the man. 'Now I know what you want I can inform you. I put that question to you because there are some people here called Leglise. It was to the church pour prier dedans that I went, not to Mr. Church.

"Vous etes trap jeune pour comprendre ces choses." "Oh alors vous ne savez pas vous-meme!" I cried triumphantly, "Sans cela vous me diriez." "Elisabeth, vous ecrirez, des que nous rentrons, leverbe Prier le bon Dieu de m'Aider a ne plus Etre si Impertinente."

And here I was amazed to find that after such lavish use of harmonic treasure, the composer had come upon a new vein with the splendid chorus: 'Gloire a la Providence' in the manner of Handel. "Robert rushes on with his heartrending cry: 'Si je pouvais prier! and Bertram, driven by the infernal decree, pursues his son, and makes a last effort.

"Je profite de cette occasion pour prier votre seigneurie de vouloir bien agréer l'assurance de mon respect et de la plus haute estime avec laquelle j'ai l'honneur d'être, milord, de votre seigneurie le très humble et très obéissant serviteur, "A. Mavrocordatos, "Naples de Romanie, "Secre-genl d'Etat. "le 20 Août, 1825 1er 7bre "A Sa Seigneurie le très Honorable Lord Cochrane,

The women's caps were closer together than ever; they were pressing in a solid mass close to the railing of the tribune to gain one last look at the figure of the wife. "It is she who will not sleep " "Poor soul, are her children with her?" "No and no women either. There is only the uncle." "He is a good man, he will comfort her!" "Faut prier le bon Dieu!"

Chapter iii. 3. C'est une grande inciuilité d'entreprendre de prier vn superieur de se couurir, aussi bien que de n'en pas supplier celuy

"But no doubt," the cunning old prier went on, with a smiling suavity in his voice "but no doubt a man who knowth Edinburgh tho well as you will have a favourite blend of hith own. I notice that University men have a fine taste in thpirits." "I generally prefer 'Kinblythmont's Cure," said Gourlay, with the air of a connoisseur.