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"You, Comandante a valiant soldier to let a silly dream trouble you! But come! what was it? I'm a good interpreter of dreams. I warrant I read it to your bettor satisfaction." "Simple enough it is, then. I thought myself upon the cliff of La Nina. I thought that I was alone with Carlos the cibolero! I thought that he knew all, and that he had brought me there to punish me to avenge her.

"The Comandante pledges himself, as a hidalgo, that you shall not be harmed." Her first impulse was to advance to the nearest intruders at the gate and say, "Do go away, please;" but she was doubtful of its efficiency, and was already too exalted by the situation to be satisfied with its prosaic weakness. But her newly developed diplomacy again came to her aid.

The evening of the third day we reached Musquiz, one of the oldest towns of the northern border, nestled at the foot of a tall sierra amid wide fields of sugar cane, irrigated by the clear, sweet waters of the Sabinas. At eight o'clock the next morning I called on Captain Abran de la Garza, the Comandante, to present my letter from General Treviño.

Surrounding these was a wall fourteen feet high, made of huge upright and horizontal saplings plastered with mud, and as a further means of protection, a wide ditch was dug on the outside. Here Luis Argüello was Comandante for twenty-three years."

Here the Comandante looked significantly at his companion. "Oh! certainly certainly," replied the latter. "You may take the troop; or, if you are not inclined, send Garcia or the sergeant with them." "I'll go myself," replied Roblado. "It will be safer. Should the cibolero incline to follow certain trails, I can lead him away from them, or refuse yes it will be better for me to go myself.

Vizcarra's eyes were also in search of some one that did not appear to be present, for the Comandante strolled to and fro, peering into every group and corner with a dissatisfied look. If it was the fair blonde he was looking for, he would be unsuccessful. She was not there. Rosita and her mother had returned home after the exhibition of the fireworks.

But this friendship did not prevent Roblado from regretting with all his heart that the bullet had not hit his friend a little higher up or a little lower down either in the skull or the throat! He entertained this regret from no malice or ill-will towards the Comandante, but simply from a desire to benefit himself. It was long since Roblado had been dreaming of promotion.

It is only stealing a chemisette. Ha! ha! ha!" and the ruffian laughed at his coarse simile and coarser joke, in which laugh he was joined by the Comandante. The latter still hesitated to adopt this extreme measure. Not from any fineness of feeling. Though scarce so rough a villain as his companion, it was not delicacy of sentiment that restrained him now.

The illustrious Comandante has been generous to exempt you from the usual port regulations, and to permit you to wood and to water" "What port regulation is he talking of?" asked Captain Bunker testily. "The Mexican regulations forbidding any foreign vessel to communicate with the shore," returned Senor Perkins deprecatingly. "Never heard of 'em. When were they given?"

The door of the commodious sala at the home of the comandante always stood wide open, and almost nightly the feet of the young people which had danced since their babyhood tripped over the floor of the old adobe building.