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The strategic designs of the Comandante and himself would have to be carried out by those who felt far less interest in the capture of the outlaw than they did. Indeed, but for the arrival of a brace of lieutenants, sent from division head-quarters at Santa Fe, the garrison would have been without a commissioned officer fit for duty.

Also in the room was a young lady a senorita of much beauty that I could see even in so small a light. But the money, senor, or the thing in which it was carried that I did not see." The comandante and other officers gave testimony that they had been awakened and alarmed by the noise of a pistol-shot in the Hotel de los Estranjeros.

He was no beauty withal nor hero either; but that did not prevent him from indulging in the fancy that he was both a combination of Mars and Apollo. He was a colonel in the Spanish army, however, and Comandante of the Presidio for the promenader in question was Vizcarra himself. Though satisfied with his own appearance, he was evidently not satisfied about something else.

Roblado's arrival brought relief to Vizcarra, as he lay chafing and fretting. Their conversation was, of course, upon the late occurrence, and Roblado gave his account of the pursuit. "And do you really think," inquired the Comandante, "that the fellow had a party of savages with him?" "No!" answered Roblado.

I do not like that soldier he appears mean and cunning and I have heard is a bad fellow, though favoured by the Comandante. God forfend he should have gotten this paper! I shall lose no more time. I shall call Vicenza, and question her." She stepped forward to the parapet that overlooked the patio. "Vicenza! Vicenza!" "Aqui, Senorita," answered a voice from the interior of the house. "Ven aca!

I don't want to frighten you boys: but I've an idea that we're in a sort of lazaretto, and the people outside won't trouble us often." Notwithstanding his promise, and the summons of the Council, Father Esteban, on parting with the Excelsior prisoners in the San Antonio Road, did not proceed immediately to the presence of the Comandante.

"True, at once let us prepare for this pleasant masquerade!" Circumstances were arising that would be likely to interrupt the Comandante and his captain in the execution of their design. At least so it might have been supposed. In less than twenty-four hours after the conversation described, a rumour of Indian incursions was carried to the town, and spread through every house in the valley.

Presidios, which were, at first, forts with homes for the commander, officers, soldiers, and their families, and were ruled by the commanding officer or comandante, gradually became towns; and then they, too, had their alcalde and council. There were four presidios Monterey, San Francisco, San Diego, and Santa Barbara.

After all, there was a devilish deal of trouble. But come, tell me, my dear Comandante for you know by this time in confidence, was it worth the trouble?" "I am sorry we have taken it," was the reply, delivered in a serious tone. Roblado looked straight in the other's face, and now for the first time noticed its gloomy expression. Busied with his cigar, he had not observed this before.

As Roblado spoke, Carlos and his sister had moved forward to the carreta which held their aged mother, and were soon in conversation with her. The Comandante and his captain, as well as a large number of the spectators, followed, and crowded around to listen. "She wants to persuade me against it, mother," Carlos was heard to say. He had already communicated his design.