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"But did you notice that voice?" Henry whispered back. "It's not a man's, it's a woman's." "Now that you speak of it, you're right," said Shif'less Sol. "It's funny to hear an Injun woman chantin' about battles as she comes into camp. That's the business o' warriors." "Then this is no ordinary woman," said Henry.

"Ay, he would, mum," sez I, "for he's fond o' laady's coompany. Coom here, Rip, an' speeak to this kind laady." An' Rip, seein' 'at t' mongoose hed getten clean awaay, cooms up like t' gentleman he was, nivver a hauporth shy or okkord. "Oh, you beautiful you prettee dog!" she says, clippin' an' chantin' her speech in a way them sooart has o' their awn; "I would like a dog like you.

The orchestra is a decrepit buck with a rag-wropped stick; with this weepon he beats the drum, chantin' at the same time a pensive refrain. "Mebby a half-dozen squaws, with no papooses yet to distract 'em, camps 'round this virchuoso with the rag-stick, an' yoonites their girlish howls with his.

I know suthin' had happened the minute I see Miss White's face, f'r angels chantin' glory was nothin' to it. Do you know, Mrs. Lathrop, that Fox never lived up to the trumpet bargain one hour, but jus' yelled 'n' blew alternate, till the Deacon was nigh to deaf 'n' old Mrs. White begun to hear, 'n' they was all 'most fit for the Insane Asylum when Mrs.

"I've got th' rheumatics." "The Magic will take them away," said Colin in a High Priest tone, "but we won't sway until it has done it. We will only chant." "I canna' do no chantin'" said Ben Weatherstaff a trifle testily. "They turned me out o' th' church choir th' only time I ever tried it." No one smiled. They were all too much in earnest. Colin's face was not even crossed by a shadow.

"I've got th' rheumatics." "The Magic will take them away," said Colin in a High Priest tone, "but we won't sway until it has done it. We will only chant." "I canna' do no chantin'," said Ben Weatherstaff a trifle testily. "They turned me out o' th' church choir th' only time I ever tried it." No one smiled. They were all too much in earnest. Colin's face was not even crossed by a shadow.

"'Tis the same tale Philp was chantin' just now, over the wall; how that Rogers had lost his own money and ours as well, and 'twas in everybody's mouth. Which I say to you what I said to him: ''Tis the old story, I says, 'let a man be down on his back, and every cur'll fly at him." "But suppose 'twas true? . . . Did Rogers ever show the bonds and papers for your money?" "'Course he did.

Why, say, do youse think any o' them is in it with a hound chorus, th' deep bass o' th' old hounds 'n' th' shrill tenor o' th' young ones risin' 'n' swellin' 'n' ringin' through th' bush till every idle echo loafin' in th' coves o' th' ridges wakes up 'n' joins in her best, 'n' you'd think all th' hounds in this old Province was runnin' 'n' chorusin' 'tween the Bubs 'n' Mud Bay; 'n' then th' chorus dyin' down softer 'n' softer till she's low 'n' sweet 'n' sorta holy-soundin', like your own woman's voice chantin' t' your youngest say, do youse think there's any music in th' world 's good 's th' hounds make runnin'?

And as I thought of his death right here on this very spot agin his words sounded in my heart: "Beloved, think it not strange concerning this fiery trial which is to try you But rejoice Partakers of Christ's suffering " And even as I listened to the chantin' of the priests I methought I heard Peter speaking of the Voice which come down from Heaven which they heard who wuz with Him on the mount.

She and Aronette struck up a warm friendship, though her pa wouldn't have allowed it I spoze if he hadn't seen how much store we all sot by Aronette. We got real well acquainted with Elder Wessel and Lucia; and her proud pa wuz never tired of singin' her praises or ruther chantin' 'em he wuz too dignified to sing.