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In the ichthyosaurus, in the plesiosaurus, in the whales, in the porpoises, in the seals, and in others, we have shortening of the bones, but no reduction in the number either of the fingers or of their joints, which are, on the contrary, multiplied in Cetacea and the ichthyosaurus. And even in the turtles we have eight carpal bones and five digits, while no finger has less than two phalanges.

Inflammation of the carpal flexors, when acute and uncomplicated, is characterized by a painfully swollen condition of the affected tendons. No weight is borne upon the affected leg and the carpal joint is flexed. Mixed lameness is present. There is no difficulty encountered in arriving at a diagnosis because of the very noticeably inflamed parts.

There is a long bone, termed 'metatarsal', answering to the metacarpal, for each digit; and the 'tarsus', which corresponds with the carpus, presents four short polygonal bones in a row, which correspond very closely with the four carpal bones of the second row of the hand. In other respects the foot differs very widely from the hand.

Moreover, the designs of the lower-class women are not nearly so complex as those of the higher class, and they are generally tatued free-hand. The fingers are very simply tatued with a zigzag on the carpal knuckles and transverse lines across the joints; the thumb is decorated in a slightly different way. In Dr.

In making examination of these cases, one can exclude fracture by absence of crepitation and usually, also, swelling is absent in radial paralysis. In a typical case of radial paralysis, the affected leg can sustain its normal share of weight if placed in position, that is, if the carpal joint is extended in such manner that the leg is positioned as in its normal weight-bearing attitude.

Preliminary care in the treatment of an open carpal joint, is the same as has been described in this condition as it affects the scapulohumeral articulation described on page 65. Likewise the further treatment of such cases is along the same lines except that where it is possible, the parts are kept covered with cotton and bandages.

Where practically all of the anterior surface of the radius has been denuded, recovery is tardy and there is in some cases imperfect extension of the leg for months after the wound has healed. But in such instances, animals gradually regain complete use of the affected member and in the course of a year function is fully restored. Inflammation and Contraction of the Carpal Flexors. Anatomy.

Puncture wounds of any kind may serve to perforate the joint capsule and such traumatisms are occasioned by falls, kicks and in various ways in runaway accidents, and open carpal joint may follow. Symptomatology. The pathognomonic symptoms of the existence of an open joint is the exposure to view of articular surfaces of bones or noting the escape of synovia from the joint capsule.

The fossils were lighter than fresh bones, except such as had their pores filled with carbonate of lime, in which case they were often much heavier. The human remains of most frequent occurrence were teeth detached from the jaw, and the carpal, metacarpal, tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones separated from the rest of the skeleton.

Daily injections for three, four or five days, are not harmful and will control infection in many instances. Thecitis and Bursitis. Etiology and Occurrence. The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. In the carpal region, the flexors of the phalanges are contained together in the carpal sheath, and this is the principal theca in the carpal region.