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There is danger of infection resulting in simple carpal fractures and, needless to say, in a compound-comminuted fracture of the carpus, infection usually occurs and a fatal outcome is probable. When treatment is instituted, antiseptic precautions are taken in handling the compound fractures, and in any case immobilization of the parts is sought.

A group of eight small, round bones is found in the wrist, known as the carpal bones. These are arranged in two rows and are movable upon one another. Five straight bones, the metacarpals, connect with the wrist bones and form the framework for the palm of the hand. Attached to the metacarpals are the bones of the fingers and thumb.

As a further remedy for sleeplessness he would reduce his food by half, and would anoint his thighs, the soles of his feet, the neck, the elbows, the carpal bones, the temples, the jugulars, the region of the heart and of the liver, and the upper lip with ointment of poplars, or the fat of bear, or the oil of water-lilies.

Pistol-ball shot through the sternocleido muscle of one side of the neck, emerging through the corresponding muscle of the other side of the neck. Sabre-thrust between the bones of the left forearm. Pistol-shot through the left pectoralis major and left deltoid muscles. Deep cut dividing the commissure between the left thumb and forefinger down to the carpal bones.

The left metacarpal bones were dislocated from the carpal bones, the left tibia was fractured, and there were contusions about the back and hips. Twelve days later he left for home with his leg in plaster. Farber and McCassy report a case in which a man fell 50 feet perpendicularly through an elevator shaft, fracturing the skull.

In the cases where weight is not supported without the affected leg being passively placed in position, it is necessary to provide for the subject's comfort in several ways. Mechanical appliances such as braces of some kind in order to keep the affected leg in a position of carpal extension, constitute the essential part of treatment.

Inflammation of the muscular or tendinous parts of the carpal flexors, does not occur as frequently as does inflammation of the flexors of the extremity. They are subject to injury such as is occasioned by hard work and concussion and contract as a result; but, more frequently a congenital malformation of the leg is responsible for undue strain upon these parts.

There is a long bone, termed 'metatarsal', answering to the metacarpal, for each digit; and the 'tarsus', which corresponds with the carpus, presents four short polygonal bones in a row, which correspond very closely with the four carpal bones of the second row of the hand. In other respects the foot differs very widely from the hand.

Walters reports a case of carpometacarpal luxation in a pony wherein reduction was spontaneous and an uneventful recovery followed. His reason for reporting the case, as he states, is its rarity. Symptomatology. Fractures of the carpal bones as they usually take place are diagnosed without difficulty. Because of their usually being comminuted, abnormal movement of the joint is possible.

Horses that are "knee sprung" or that have a congenital condition where in the anterior line, as formed by the radius, carpal and metacarpal bones, is bent forward at the carpus, are subject to inflammation and contraction of the carpal flexors. When these flexors are contracted, the condition is commonly known among horsemen as "buck knee." Symptomatology.