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Art. of 1559 in Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 211. Hale, Crim. Barnes' Eccles. Also Hale, ubi supra, 146, 159, etc. Presentments for not receiving are numerous in the act-books. A few references are, Dean of York's Visit., 219 ff. E.g., at Goathland 20 persons are presented by name. See also Hale, Crim. Prec., 163, 171, 176, etc., and the other act-books heretofore cited. Ann., i, 336.

Examples will be found in the act-books cited supra. Hale, Crim. Hale, op. cit., 182 . Cf. Whitgift's Articles for Sarum diocese in 1588, art. viii: "Whether your ministers used to pray for the quenes majestie ... by the title and style due to her majestie." Cardwell, Doc. Ann., ii, 14. Dean of York's Visit., 320 . Hale, op. cit., 159 . 3 Rep. Hist.

In 1867 he had been defeated in South Wentworth by three votes; in 1874 in Prescott by six votes; in 1875 in Montreal West by seven votes; and in the following year in the same constituency by fifty votes. Finally, he was elected in 1878 for the then existing electoral division of Cardwell, in the province of Ontario.

CLITHEROE, March 18th, 1846. SIR, Through the polite attention of Mr. Cardwell I have been favoured with a copy of your bill "For the better preservation of Salmon." As this is a subject to which I have paid some attention, I trust it will not be deemed impertinent if I offer some suggestions for your consideration with regard to the free gap.

Only those who have visited Australia can picture to themselves the full horror of a captivity amongst the degraded blacks with whom this unexplored district abounds; and a report of white men having been seen amongst the wild tribes in the neighbourhood of the Herbert River induced the inhabitants of Cardwell to institute a search party to rescue the crew of the unhappy schooner, should they still be alive; or to gain some certain clue to their fate, should they have perished.

See also infra, p. 47. Canons of 1585 and 1597, Cardwell, Syn., i, 144 and 155-6 respectively. See in Hale, Crim. Prec., 206-7, the elaborate formula of confession prescribed for Wm. Peacock of Leighton, Essex, in 1592. See pp. 12-13, and p. 27, supra. Barnes' Eccles. For such a permit to hear preaching elsewhere, see Hale, Crim. Hale, ibid., 187-8. 1 Eliz., c. 2, sec. iii, ad finem.

See Heywood Townshend, Proc. in the Last Four Parl. of Eliz., Debates, passim. J.E. Foster: Ch'wd'ns Acc'ts of St. Thos. North, Chronicle of St. E. Freshfield, Vestry Minutes of St. Christopher-le-Stocks, Append., 71. Ibid., 7. For similar vestry orders see Vestry Minutes of St. Burn, Eccles. Memorials of Stepney, 51. Cf. Op. cit., 43. Art. xxi, Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 326. Leicest. Archit.

I may also here mention, for the information of such of my readers as may not have read the preceding portions of the narrative, that Cardwell is the name of a small township situated on the shores of Rockingham Bay; and that Townsville is a settlement some hundred miles further south, known also as Cleveland Bay.

Pray regard me as unreservedly at your disposal. Awaiting your further commands. Your devoted This letter he directed to Miss Ernestine Cardwell and despatched by special messenger. Then, with a serene countenance, he glanced through his remaining correspondence, stretched himself, yawned, looked out of the window, and finally sauntered forth to his club. "Ye gods!

But Lowe was in the habit of saying paradoxical things, and it was Disraeli, not Gladstone, who spoke of the Colonies as millstones round our necks. Cardwell, the Secretary for War, withdrew British troops from Canada and New Zealand, holding that the self-governing Colonies should be responsible for their own defence.