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Cf. also the satirical single-sheet, published June, 1641, entitled The Pimpes Prerogative ... a Dialogue between Pimp-Major Pig and Ancient Whiskin, in Brit. Mus. Coll. of Polit. and Personal Satires. Cardwell, loc. cit., 100. Ecclesiastical jurisdiction derived also much temporal strength from the fact that practically every bishop was also a justice of the peace. Cardwell, Doc.

It was called "The Birthday of an Era," and, looking back, I think I was fully entitled to make use of that somewhat high-sounding phrase. When Mr. Gladstone entered upon his first term of office as Prime Minister, he was certainly surrounded by a wonderful band of colleagues. They included Lord Granville, Lord Hartington, Lord Kimberley, Mr. Lowe, Mr. Bright, Mr. Cardwell, Mr. Childers, Mr.

Take only a single jurisdiction, that of the Dean of York's Peculiar, between the years 1592-1601, and a number will be found. Cosen, An Apologie, etc., 64. As has been above stated, an excommunicate could not attend service. P. 47 supra. According to 23 Eliz. c. i, sec. 4 and sec. 6. See A.P.C., xiii, 271-2 . Cardwell, Doc. P. 19, note 33, supra. Hale, Crim.

I could understand living better. There would only be a little at a time. A great deal, and a great many things, make it a puzzle." "Have you any knowledge about the property?" "Mr. Cardwell has been here two or three times. He says there are twelve thousand dollars secured to mother by a note and mortgage on this place. It was money of hers that was put into it.

Although Canadian Federation was emphatically Canadian in its origin, and had been adopted in principle by Cardwell during the Government of Lord Russell, it was Lord Carnarvon who carried it out, and he had no warmer supporter than Froude. Of Froude's favourite recreations at this time the best account is to be found in his two Short Studies on A Fortnight in Kerry.

They knew that a very strong party in England, headed by the Aborigines Protection Society, were urging this view, and that the Colonial Office, under Mr. Cardwell, had veered round to the same standpoint. This is probably the true explanation of General Cameron's singular slackness. The impatience and indignation of the colonists waxed high.

C.R. Rivington, The Records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers in London and Middlesex Archæol. Soc. Tr., vi, 302. Cardwell to a date later than 1584. Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 426. "Excommunication" in the act-books and elsewhere almost invariably refers to the lesser excommunication. Thus he could not receive communion, be married, stand as godfather, etc. Burn, Eccles. Law, i, 252-3.

It became necessary to make a stand and to bring the Whigs to their ultimatum. Lord Aberdeen consented to Lord Granville as President, and proposed that Lord Lansdowne should sit in the Cabinet, without an office. This proposition, which reduced the Whig addition, from three to two, saved the Board of Trade for Cardwell, but excluded both him and Canning from the Cabinet.

In the House of Commons, Mr Adderley, the under-secretary for the Colonies, who was in charge of the measure, found a cordial supporter, instead of a critic, in Mr Cardwell, the former colonial secretary, so that the bill was carried through with ease and celerity. John Bright's speech reflected the anti-Imperial spirit of the time.

The Archbishop proposed the standing 'Floreat domus de Balliolo' to which the Master made due and amusing answer, himself giving the health of the Primate. Lord Coleridge, in a silvery speech, drank to the University, responded to by the Vice-Chancellor. I forget who proposed the visitors the Bishop of London, perhaps Lord Cardwell.