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From their imperfect knowledge of time, and their difficulty in expressing any number higher than five, we could not form the slightest idea how long the white man had lived among them; but they pointed to the ranges behind the township of Cardwell as indicating the place where he first joined them.

It's good to belong to some kind of people; isn't it?" "I think it is very good to belong to your kind, where-ever they are, Miss Sylvie. Tell your mother I say she may be glad of her daughter. I'll find out about the house for you, at any rate. And I'll see Mr. Cardwell; and I'll call again. Good-night, my dear. God bless you!" And the grand Mr.

And it began with a candle-race for a big silver gilt cup won by Sandon Craig and his partner, Evelyn Cardwell, who triumphantly bore their lighted taper safely among the throngs of hostile contestants, through the wilderness of flitting lights, and across the lawn to the goal where they planted it, unextinguished, in the big red paper lantern.

Mundella's gentle overture, 'Now, won't you withdraw from the contest? 'Yes, I quite see the difficulty. You want somebody to assist Cardwell. However well your suggestion might obviate the difficulty, I have an alternative which I think would equally suit. I had a military training, I did very creditably as a student at Sandhurst, I served with the colours, and I attained the rank of captain.

For fines inflicted for the benefit of the poor see Barnes' Eccles. Canons of 1585 in Cardwell, Synodalia, i, 142. Barnes' Eccles. See Burn, Eccles. Thomas North, A Chronicle of the Church of St. Leicester Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. Tr., iii , 192 . W.F. Cobb, Churchwardens Accounts of St. Ethelburga-within-Bishopsgate , p. 10 and p. 12 , respectively.

That temporal judges sometimes set prisoners under the writ free at their own discretion without notice to the spiritual judges, see Bancroft's Petition to the Privy Council in 1605, Cardwell, Doc. Ann. ii, 100. For hostility of temporal judges for ecclesiastical jurisdiction, see Bancroft, op. cit., 85. Hale, Crim. Cf. R.W. Merriam, Extracts from Wilts Quarter Sess. In Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist.

He had read it twice already and after a thoughtful pause he proceeded to read it again. "A marriage has been arranged and will shortly take place between Cecil Mordaunt Rivington and Ernestine, fourth daughter of Lady Florence Cardwell." "Why Ernestine, I wonder?" murmured the Poor Relation. "Thought she was still in short frocks. Used to be rather a jolly little kid.

Cardwell and Mr. Gladstone. Lord Palmerston promptly resigned, and Lord Derby came into office. Disraeli, as Chancellor of the Exchequer and leader of the House of Commons, proceeded with characteristic audacity and a light heart to educate the new Conservative Party in the art of dishing the Whigs. The new Ministry was short-lived.

A despatch from Cardwell, secretary of state for the colonies, to Governor Gordon, expressed the strong and deliberate opinion of Her Majesty's government in favour of a union of all the North American colonies.

Let me add to what I have said that ten Whigs, members of former Cabinets, are omitted in this, while only two Peelites are omitted, and one entirely new is admitted Argyll. Let me propose further that the minor posts be recast with less disproportion. Cardwell ought not to have office while Labouchere, Vernon Smith, and others are excluded. 'Pray let me have an answer before the writs are moved.