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Sherborne Manor, a rich share in the great carack, a beautiful wife, a child; what more does this man want to make him happy?

These also seem very worthy ships which are drawing up to us, and I pray you, master-shipman, that you will have a tilt with the nearest." A great carack was within a bowshot of them and crossing their bows. Bunce looked up at his mast, and he saw that already it was shaken and drooping. Another blow and it would be over the side and his ship a helpless log upon the water.

A briefe relation of the notable seruice performed by Sir Francis Drake vpon the Spanish Fleete prepared in the Road of Cadiz: and of his destroying of 100. saile of barks; Passing from thence all along the coast to Cape Sacre, where also hee tooke certaine Forts: and so to the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbon, and thence crossing ouer to the Isle of Sant Michael, supprized a mighty Carack called the Sant Philip comming out of the East India, which was the first of that kinde that euer was seene in England: Performed in the yeere 1587.

In another letter, written in January 1495 from Hispaniola, to their Catholic majesties, in illustration of the errors and mistakes common in voyages and the piloting of ships, he thus writes, "I was formerly sent to Tunis by King Renee, whom God hath since taken to himself, to take the galeasse called Fernandina; and, when near the island of St Peter off Sardinia, I was informed that the Fernandina was accompanied by two ships and a carack.

You must not part thus, Mrs; here are men Has scapd Cla. The Gallowes. Suc. Ile rigg you up; although you were a Carack I shall find tackling for you. Bel. You are uncivill; pray, desist. Crac. Not kisse a gentleman? a pretty ring this same: I have a mind to it and I must have it. Bel. You will not robb me of it? Suc. I will intreate this glove which shall adorne In fight my burgonett. Cla.

Her second carack had fallen behind, a shot having sent its foremast overside, but the other two ships were driving in. All three were lowering sail, for the Dark Master's craft were unable to get out of the bay and were giving over the attempt; his disabled ship was sending over its men to reinforce him, and Brian saw all his own efforts gone for nothing.

Face to face stood he now with Rosamund, for the first time since that day before the encounter with the Dutch argosy when he had sought her in the cabin of the carack. One swift glance she bestowed on him, then, her senses reeling with horror at her circumstance she shrank back, her face of a deathly pallor.

Her eyes met his, and held there for a long moment. Then she spoke very calmly: "When will you take that cruise with me, Yellow Brian?" "When I have won my Spanish blade again," he smiled, and after that they talked no more of intimate things, yet Brian's heart was glad within him. With the next morning the Bird Daughter said farewell and went aboard Lame Art's carack.

The master of the galley got aboard over the low waist of the carack, and Brian ordered a dozen of his own green-faced men down into the smaller ship. At this the galley's master stared somewhat, but came up to the poop. "Lord, O'Donnell sends you these stores with a message. I am Con Teague of Galway." "Let us have it," ordered Brian, liking the looks of the man not at all.

Then, having obtained his ten English pounds and a horse, he waved farewell to his men and rode away; and what became of him after that is not set forth in the chronicle, so he comes no more into this tale. Nuala loaded her fifty men into her carack, and sent them home that night to Gorumna in case of need, proposing to follow later with Lame Art, Shaun the Little, and her Kerry recruits.