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Ilka body kens, or sud ken, what lies to their ain han'. It lies to mine to gang. I'm no wantit langer. Ye wadna hae me ait the breid o' idleness?" "But, Aggie," remonstrated Cosmo, "ye're ane o' the faimily! I wad as sune think o' seein' my ain sister, gien I had ane, gang fra hame for sic a nae rizzon at a'!"

What gars ye sing sae, birdie, As gien ye war lord o' the lift? On breid ye're an unco sma' lairdie, But in hicht ye've a kingly gift! A' ye hae to coont yersel rich in, 'S a wee mawn o' glory-motes! The whilk to the throne ye're aye hitchin Wi' a lang tow o' sapphire notes!

And they'll baith stan' efter you an' me's laid i' the mouls. It's weel kent forbye that ye hae a bit siller i' the bank, and I hae none." "Not a bawbee hae I, George. I can pray for my daily breid wi' an honest hert; for gin the Lord dinna sen' 't, I hae nae bank to fa' back upo'." "I'm sorry to hear 't, Thamas," said George.

And there can be nae fear but, atween you and me, and the Michty at the back o' 's, we s' get breid eneuch for the quaternion o' 's!" He laughed at the odd word as it fell from his mouth and the Acts of Apostles. Maggie laughed too, and wiped her eyes. Before long, Maggie recognized that she had never been so happy in her life.

"Weel, ye maun jist len' me half a croon o' 't." "Half a croon!" echoed Grizzie, staggered at the largeness of the demand. "I dinna think it's ower muckle," said Cosmo, "seein' I hae to tramp five an' thirty mile the morn. But bake ye plenty o' breid, an' that'll haud doon the expence. Only, gien he can help it, a body sudna be wantin' a baubee in 's pooch.

Gien 't be that ye mean, Mistress Mellis, " "Hoots!" returned the other. " Hoo far can ye lippen to that Jean o' yours, mem?" "Nae farer nor the len'th o' my nose, an' the breid o' my twa een," was the scornful answer.

Lea' them there thegither, Maggie, my doo," he went on with infinite tenderness, "and come and gie me a han' as sune as ye hae maskit the tay, and gotten a lof o' white breid. I s' hae my parritch a bit later." Maggie obeyed at once, and took Isy to the other end of the house, where the soutar had long ago given up his bed to her and the baby.

"Weel!" exclaimed the farmer, "it jist blecks me to ken hoo there can be ony trowth i' the Bible, whan a man like that comes sae near to beggin' his breid!" "He is very near it, certainly," assented Cosmo, "but why not he as well as another?" "'Cause they tell me the Bible says the richteous man sall never come to beg his breid." "Well, NEAR is not THERE. But I fancy there must be a mistake.

Wull ye tak' a bite wi' us? It's lang since ye broke breid in this hoose. 'I don't mind if I do, replied Walter, laying off his hat and drawing the arm-chair up to the fire. 'So you have never seen Liz? The person that saw her must have made a mistake. 'Wha was't? 'A lady. You don't know her. Have you never heard anything about her at all, then? 'No' a cheep.

And gien ever the minister should again preach thy word, may it be wi' the better comprehension, and the mair fervour; and to that en' gie him to un'erstan' the hicht and deepth and breid and len'th o' thy forgivin love. Thy name be gloryfeed! Amen!" "Na, na, I'll never preach again!" whispered James to the soutar, as they rose from their knees.