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"Range one thousand feet," reported Alfie, his calm voice in striking contrast to the nervous excitement in Tom's. "Seven hundred fifty six hundred five fifty " "Fire braking rockets!" rasped Tom into the intercom. The great ship bucked under the sudden thrust of the huge braking rockets.

From then on I'll throw the asteroid into a braking ellipse around the earth, and I'll be able to make any small corrections necessary." He spread out a solar system chart and marked in the positions of the planets as of that moment, using the daily almanac. Then he put down the position of the asteroid, taking it from the paper the chief analyst handed him. "Will you make assignments, Chief?"

I will put something in with this letter. It is something maybe you would like to have and in exchange I would give all I possess for one of you if you would send it to me when you get home. Please do this for now my heart is braking. William opened the box of candy and placed the letter upon the top layer of chocolates.

The one complaint Ray's brakemen had to make of him was that he was too fussy about his caboose. His former brakeman had asked to be transferred because, he said, "Kennedy was as fussy about his car as an old maid about her bird-cage." Joe Giddy, who was braking with Ray now, called him "the bride," because he kept the caboose and bunks so clean.

"Have you figured out how you're going to land this ship alone and with no radar?" "I'll have to use the seat of my pants." Tom smiled, and turned back to his seat. George and his wife looked at each other and quickly strapped themselves into their acceleration cushions. A few moments later Tom began braking the ship with the nose rockets.

"Decelerate!" yelled Tom over the intercom. Connel shut down the main drive rockets and at the same time opened the nose braking rockets. "Braking rockets on!" he yelled. "One thousand feet to touchdown," said Tom. Connel watched the dials spinning before him. "Seven hundred and fifty feet to touchdown," reported Tom. "Keep counting, Corbett!" yelled Connel enthusiastically. "Five hundred feet!"

Strong noted the irony of the situation. The people of Titan were not out to greet a hero of space, but were waiting for the next evacuation rocket ship. The ramps were cleared and within minutes the two ships reappeared over the horizon, nosing upward over the spaceport in an arc, their braking rockets blasting loudly as they prepared to land.

His analytical detectors had written down each detail of every weapon and of every screen employed; and even while prodigious streamers of red force were raving out from his vessel, braking her terrific progress and swinging her around in an immense circle back toward far Nevia, his scientists and mechanics were doubling and redoubling the power of his already Titanic installations, to match and if possible to overmatch those of Triplanetary's super-dreadnaught.

The projecting piece, A, which must also be well secured, is for winding in. The winding hand must be held somewhat obliquely to the board to clear the spindle. Winding is much less irksome if a piece of tubing is interposed between the spindle and the other hand, which can then maintain a firm grip without exercising a braking effect.

I holstered my pistol, pushed past Joyce, and trotted for the lift. The mob behind me broke up, talking, as men under long habit ran for action stations. Clay was operating calmly under pressure. He sat at the main screen, and studied the blip, making tiny crayon marks. "She's too far out for a reliable scanner track, Captain," he said, "but I'm pretty sure she's braking."