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No, south was his best path, and he should be very sure that route was closed before he retreated. Since any additional fuss the clak-claks might make on sighting him would be undistinguished in their now general clamor, the Terran crawled on to where tall grass provided a screen at the top of the slope. There he stopped short, his hands digging into the earth in sudden braking action.

Far below, on the grounds of the Academy, cadets wearing the green uniforms of first-year Earthworms and the blue of the upper-classmen stopped all activity as they heard the blasting of the braking rockets high in the heavens. They stared enviously into the sky, watching the smooth steel-hulled spaceship drop toward the concrete ramp area of the spaceport, three miles away.

Also, we’ll need a nuclear charge to throw us into a braking ellipse. And we need a new landing boat. The sun baked the equipment out of ours." MacFife nodded. "So be it. I’ll send men to the asteroid to bring back the prisoners and your Planeteers." He smiled. "We’ll let yon rock go by itself while hot showers and a good meal are had by all. It’s the least of what ye’ve earned."

In renewing the recommendation which I have made in three preceding annual messages that Congress should legislate for the protection of railroad employees against the dangers incident to the old and inadequate methods of braking and coupling which are still in use upon freight trains, I do so with the hope that this Congress may take action upon the subject.

All the relays were standard, the gyroscopic stabilizers were standard, and the electromagnetic braking equipment for the gyros was standard. But there would be long days of work ahead for Arcot, Wade, and Morey, for only they could install the special equipment; only they could put in the complicated wiring, for no one else on Earth understood the circuits they had to establish.

Then suddenly Tom knew what it was ... the braking jets of a Class I Ranger, crouching beyond the reach of sunlight in the shadow of the asteroid.... Swiftly he fired the bumper again, turning back toward the orbit-ship. His hand went to the speaker-switch, but he caught himself in time. Any warning shouted to Greg and Johnny would certainly be picked up by the ship.

The great ship, slowed by the force of the braking rockets, became motionless in space a bare five hundred yards from the Lady Venus. "They should be sending up their safety-factor flare soon," said Strong. "Keep trying to raise them on the teleceiver, Roger." Strong was peering through a crystal port directly at the ship hanging dead in space opposite them. There wasn't any sign of life.

"You're ready now," spoke up Astro. He stood up to his full height. "We don't want any trouble," the cadet from Venus said, "but we're not braking our jets to get away from it, either." James took a good look at Astro's powerful frame. Without another word he walked away. Tom shook his head. "That pal of yours is a real Space Cadet fan, isn't he, Roger?" "Yeah," said Astro.

Hawkes tried to duck, but the sedan was already braking and swinging back. It was beside him before he could realize more than the old clamor of his brain, telling him to run, that he couldn't escape. The car matched his speed, and the driver leaned far to the right. "Will Hawkes," the young man called. "How about a lift?"

Without any preliminaries, Kit Barnard's order sent the Good Company hurtling spaceward. Astro had just enough time to throw himself into an acceleration chair before the ship shot away from the Deimos spaceport toward the wreckage of the Space Lance. "Braking rockets!" roared Kit. "Hit them hard, Sid."