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Occasionally he would set down for a spell, but the most of his journey wuz done a-walkin' afoot. And the crowd see it and cheered. It wuz hard on Bizer. Nothin' but pride and ambition led him into the undertakin', or kep him up through it. As for me, I lost all patience, and my breath, too, and went back to my pardner.

And then it wuz Bizer's time to show off and act. Nothin' to do but what Selinda had got to ride a camel. She hung back and acted 'fraid. She hain't a bit well, for all she is so fat. She has real dizzy spells sometimes, and is that cowardly that she'd be 'fraid to ride a cow, let alone one of them tall, humbly monsters. But nothin' to do but what Bizer would have his way.

We wuz law-abidin', every one on us, but we felt there wuz times where law ended and common sense begun. But Selinda argued, I well remember, that if Bizer had ordered her to stay on that deck, she should stay and be sot fire to. And she praised up little Casey Bianky warmly, while we thought and said that Casey acted like a fool, and felt that Mr.

Wall, Josiah wuz all took aback; he couldn't seem to bear Bizer's patronizin' ways so well as I could Selinda's. Truly, females learn the lesson well to suffer and be calm. But he acted kinder surly, and proposed that we should go hum; and bein' tired as a dog, I gin a willin' consent, and Bizer and Selinda parted from us, their way layin' different from ourn.

He had a tall white hat with a mournin' weed on't, and a long linen duster, and the wind blowed this out some like a balloon. He looked queer; but as soon as he stiddied himself on't he tried his best to reach the side of Selinda I'll say that for him. But the donkey wuz obstinate, and kep a-backin' up, and Bizer, bein' his legs dragged, kinder walked along with the donkey under him.

Josiah's satisfaction in eatin' that pork and beans, and them doughnuts, wuz a sight to witness. Bizer called for cold biled vittles, and sure enough, they brung 'em on. And the enjoyment of them two men wuz extreme. Selinda and I took comfort in some old-fashioned pound-cake and custard pie. Selinda said she'd love to have the receipt of that pound-cake. Selinda is a good plain cook.

Where wuz Bizer durin' this fearful seen? while I wuz a-showin' plain the deathless devotion to my sect to another one in distress. He wuz all took up with his own feelin's of pride and show. He wuz a-ridin' a donkey, and it wuz a-backin' up and a-actin', and took every mite of his strength and firmness to keep on.

You have made a panorama that can't be described." "Yes," sez she; "it will be sunthin' to tell on all my life." She took it as a compliment. Oh dear me suz! Bizer had scraped the patent leather all offen the toes of his shoes, and had squandered three dollars in money, but he felt good. Yes, they both said what a excitement this adventure would make in Jonesville when they told on't.

He did it jest to go ahead of us, and I knew it, for I put my foot right down in the first on't. Josiah would a paid out the money willin'ly ruther than had Bizer go ahead of him. Bizer said he wanted to give Selinda all the enjoyment he could while on her tower, she had been shet up so much, and hadn't had the pleasures she ort to had.

So he advanced with a polite air, and sez he, "Could either one of you two gentlemen tell me where Noah's Ark is situated?" Sez he, "Bizer is anxious to see it." They didn't move or stir, and Josiah agin sez, "Do you know where Noah's Ark is?" and he laid his hand on the arm of one of the men who stood near him. A Columbian Guard who stood near sez, "Keep your hand offen the wax figger!"