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I reckons now sech ceremonies would go some ways towards beddin' you down an' inculcatin' lessons of patience a heap." The undaunted Tom listened to his master's gloomy threats with an air of cheer. There was a happy grin on his face as he accepted the money and scraped a "Thanky, sah!"

"He hain't widened nothin' 'cep' the circle he's ett in pasture. They feed words fer beddin' where he comes from." "It's elegant talkin', though," Tuck returned, with an unconvinced toss of her pretty, lean little head. The yellow horse heard her, and struck an attitude which he meant to be extremely impressive. It made him look as though he had been badly stuffed.

"If I'd only the loan of a crutch!" pleaded Tilda; "an' it couldn' do me no 'arm in this weather." "Pining for liberty, hey?" said the doctor. Tilda clapped her palms together, and her eyes shone. To herself she said: "Kiddin' of me, that's what they are. Want to get me out of the way while they shift the beddin'. Lemme get back my clothes, that's all, an' I'll teach him about pinin' for liberty."

Why, how should any of us feel to have a neighbor walk in when we wuz havin' a family quarrel and jest clean us out of everything kitchen stove, bureau, bed and beddin' and everything; why, it would rile us to our depths, any on us. She sez, "I feel that my kingdom wuz stole away from me." And I sez: "I know jest how you feel.

Rouletta spoke first, with suppressed excitement: "You were right. And they left in a hurry, too." "Sure. Beddin' gone, an' dey got plenty beddin' on Hunker. Here dey mak' grub-pack, see?" 'Poleon ran his finger through a white dust of flour which lay thick upon the table. Striding to the stove, he laid his hand upon it; he lifted the lid and felt of the ashes within.

Well, that's a great mare that 'are, and there ain't nothin' onder the sun the matter of her, except the groom has stole her oats, forgot to give her water, and let her make a supper sometimes off of her nasty, mouldy, filthy beddin'. I hante see'd a hoss here equal to her a'most short back, beautiful rake to the shoulder, great depth of chest, elegant quarter, great stifle, amazin' strong arm, monstrous nice nostrils, eyes like a weasel, all outside, game ears, first chop bone and fine flat leg, with no gum on no part of it.

"Reckon you're used to bunkin' outdoors?" queried the rancher, rather abruptly. "Most of the time," replied Jean. "Wal, there's room in the house, but I want you to sleep out. Come get your beddin' an' gun. I'll show you." They went outside on the porch, where Jean shouldered his roll of tarpaulin and blankets. His rifle, in its saddle sheath, leaned against the door.

If you don't do this, Paddy Donovan, why we'll finish the whiskey an' part friends but it's no match." "I'll never do it, Larry. The bed an' beddin' I'll give; but the pig I'll by no manner o' manes part wid." "Put round the bottle," said Phelim, "we're gettin' dhry agin sayin' nothin' is dhroothy work. Ould man, will you not bother us about fortune!"

The three of us was hoofin' it along the great barren shore o' the bay. In some places the shore was that flat that every time the tide came in she flooded 'bout all the country we could see, an' we had a devil of a time tryin' to keep clear o' the mud. We had a few dogs along to help pack our beddin', but, nevertheless, it was hard work; for we was carryin' most of our outfit on our backs.

An' as for my bed," said Mr. Pike finally, "whensomever I ain't here by bed-time, you welcome to put any transion person in it, an' also an' likewise, when transion custom is pressin', and you cramped for beddin', I'm willin' to give it up for the time bein'; an' rather'n you should be cramped too bad, I'll take my chances somewhars else, even if I has to take a pallet at the head o' the sta'r-steps."