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Determined at the New York Botanical Gardens: Ledum groonlandicum, Oeder. Comarum palustre L. Rubus arcticus L. Solidago multiradiata. Ait. Sanguisorba Canadensis L. Linnaea Americana, Forbes. Viburnum pancifloram, Pylaim. Ledum prostratum, Rotlb. Betula glandulosa, Michx. Kalmia angustifolia. Barbarea stricta, Audry. Eriophorum russeolum, Fries. My sincere thanks are due Prof. J.F. Kemp and Dr.

A Barbarea and some other plants make the neighbourhood of the hot-springs a little oasis, and the large marmot is common, uttering its sharp, chirping squeak. The terminal moraine is about 500 feet high, quite barren, and thrown obliquely across the valley, from north-east to south-west, completely hiding the glacier.

They are evidently dependent on external circumstances, and by adequate nutrition the leaves may even become absolutely white or yellowish, with only scarcely perceptible traces of green along the veins. Some are very old cultivated varieties, as the wintercress, or Barbarea vulgaris. They continuously sport into green, or return from this normal color, both by seeds and by buds.

There are two varieties of cress, the curled and common. This is an ingredient with mustard in early salads. CRESS, AMERICAN. Erysimum Barbarea. This is cultivated for salads, and is much esteemed. It is increased by sowing the seeds in the spring. This is only good in the winter and spring seasons. CUCUMBERS. Cucumis sativus. Many sorts of cucumbers are cultivated by gardeners.