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The puppet-show was shut up sooner than he expected; but the jester had kept his most wonderful mot for the last. "Dieu me pardonnera," he said. "C'est son métier." "Der Bahn, der kühnen, folgen wir, Die uns geführt Lassalle." Such is the Marseillaise the Social Democrats of Germany sing, as they troop out when the police break up their meetings.

"Business finds no echo in me, you know. A man came to supper last night, unexpectedly, and they talked interminably about some deal, lumbering, lines, surveys, deeds . . . till Touclé came in with the news of the accident. The man was from New Hampshire, with that droll, flat New Hampshire accent. You know how they talk, 'bahn' and 'yahd' for barn and yard."

She's down at de bahn now, blowin' up Plez fur gwine to sleep when he was a shellin' de cohnfiel' peas. An' when she's got froo wid him she's got a bone to pick wid Uncle Isham 'bout de gyardin'. 'Tain't no use waitin' fur ole miss. She nebber do come when de bell rings. She come when she git ready, an' not afore."

Sure enough, there's a big hole in it. "'Didn't I give you a safety-pin to pin that money in your inside coat pocket? says Miss Goodloe. "'Yess'm, dat's right, he says. 'But I'se countin' de money one day an' a span ob mules broke loose an' stahts lickety-brindle fo' de bahn, an' aimin' to ketch de mules, I pokes de money in de pocket wid de hole. I ain' neber see dat no-'coun' money sence.

Their absence would not be very seriously felt in the drama, save that one would not like to miss Attinghausen as a picturesque representative of the old patriarchal nobility. The two scenes in which he appears are in themselves admirable. The End. Unfinished Plays, Translations and Adaptations Es stuerzt ihn mitten in der Bahn, Es reiszt ihn fort vom vollen Leben. 'William Tell'.

The poet's voice from the Cumberland hills, "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive" traversed the North Sea, and beyond the Rhine was swelled by a song more majestic and not less triumphant: Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen, Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan, Wandelt, Brüder, eure Bahn, Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen,

I had broddehs Danel, Freeman, George, Will, and Henry. Yes maam, Freeman he de younges an bahn after we done got free. An I had sistehs by de name ob Isabella, Mary, Nora, dat aint all yet, you want I should name em all? Well then they was too Celie, Sally, and me Cindy but I aint my own sisteh is I, hee, hee, hee.

Some time later, with still considerable time before supper, Jack happened to be passing the rear of the house where Bucephalus was at work on a wagon. "Dey was a tullyphome message fo' yo', sah," said the man. "Yo' was to call up two-fo'-six as soon as conwenient." "Where is the booth, Bucephalus?" asked Jack. "Raght in bahn, sah. Dere am a switch fo' mah conwenience.

"Mist' Burrus's bahn done cave in," he said, the whites of his eyes gleaming at her in the darkness. The sound of his voice cheered her greatly. She felt suddenly so relieved that it was with difficulty that she kept herself from laughing out loud. "How do you mean? It didn't fall down of itself?" "Yas'm, hit did. Hit's de waehouse. Folks say he done load hit up too full and hit plum' give out."

Zillah and I ascended after him; but he stopped me at the top of the steps, and said I shouldn't go in: I must go home. I exclaimed that he had killed Linton, and I would enter. Joseph locked the door, and declared I should do "no sich stuff," and asked me whether I were "bahn to be as mad as him." I stood crying till the housekeeper reappeared.