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They both kill right up to the bag-limit, as often as they can; and that is what is sweeping away all our feathered game. Curiously enough, the angry unattached duck-hunters of California are to-day proposing to have revenge on the duck-clubbers by removing all restrictions on the sale of game!

MINNESOTA: This state should at once enact a bag-limit law that will do some good, instead of the statutory farce now on the books. Make it fifteen birds per day of waterfowl, all species combined, and no grouse or quail. There should be five-year close seasons enacted for quail, grouse, plover, woodcock, snipe, and all other shore birds.

Last year the saloon element thought that they had a large majority of the votes in the legislature pledged to vote their way. It looked like it; but when the decent people again rose and demanded justice for the birds, the members of the legislature stood by them in large majorities. The spring-shooting, bag-limit and hunting-license laws were not repealed.

A gentleman sportsman is a man who protects game, stops shooting when he has "enough" without reference to the legal bag-limit, and whenever a species is threatened with extinction, he conscientiously refrains from shooting it.

If you want a gameless state, let the destruction go on as it now is going, with 16,000 licensed gunners in the field each year, and you will surely have it, right soon. DELAWARE: Stop all spring shooting, at once; stop killing shore birds for ten years, and protect swans indefinitely. Enact bag-limit laws, in very small figures.

If game-shooting within the District is continued, on the marshes of the Eastern Branch and on the Potomac River, common decency demands the enactment of bag-limit laws and long close-season laws of the most modern pattern. Just why it is that gross abuses against wild life have so long been tolerated in the territorial center of the American nation, remains to be ascertained.

After a long and somnolent period, during which hundreds of thousands of ducks, geese, brant and other birds had been slaughtered for market at the Bear River shambles and elsewhere, the state awoke sufficiently to abate a portion of the disgrace by passing a bag-limit law . And then came Nature's punishment upon Utah for that duck slaughter. It was a "duck plague," no less.

These are the men to whom "the bag" is a matter of small importance, and to whom "the bag-limit" has only academic interest; because in nine cases out of ten they do not care to kill all that the law allows. The tenth and exceptional time is when the bag limit is "one."

Massachusetts needs a bag-limit law more in keeping with her small remnant of wild life; and that she will have ere long. Very soon, also, her sportsmen will raise the standard of ethics in shotgun shooting, by barring out the automatic and pump shotguns so much beloved by the market shooters. As matters stand at this date the Old Bay State needs the following new laws: Low bag limits on all game.

That state has a bird fauna well worth protecting, and game wardens are extremely necessary. ARKANSAS: The enforcement of game laws should be placed in charge of a salaried commissioner. Spring shooting of wildfowl should be stopped at once. A reasonable close season should be provided for water fowl, and swans should be protected throughout the year. A bag-limit law should be enacted.