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Altho he is ever seeking to awaken curiosity, to arouse the interest of expectancy, and to excite in the spectators a desire to see the thing through, Ibsen refrains from any mere mystery-mongering for its own sake.

The king uttered a cry, and, turning pale, reeled a step backward. "The queen!" exclaimed Douglas, in terror; and he trembled so violently that the paper in his hand rattled and fluttered. "Yes, the queen!" said Catharine, with a haughty smile. "The queen, who comes to scold her husband, that, contrary to his physician's orders, he still refrains from his slumbers at so late an hour of the night."

In His letter to Náṣiri’d-Dín Sháh, the ruler of Persia, which refrains from any rebuke concerning His imprisonment in the Síyáh-Chál and the other injustices He had experienced at the king’s hand, Bahá’u’lláh speaks of His own role in the Divine Plan: I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been.

From time to time the friends were elbowed by students shouting popular refrains and walking in Indian-file. Here is Bullier's! They step into the blazing entrance, and go thence to the stairway which leads to the celebrated public ballroom. They are stifled by the odor of dust, escaping gas, and human flesh.

"Miss Leavenworth, do you believe your cousin guiltless of this crime, or not?" "Guiltless? Eleanore? Oh! my God; if all the world were only as innocent as she!" "Then," said I, "you must likewise believe that if she refrains from speaking in regard to matters which to ordinary observers ought to be explained, she does it only from motives of kindness towards one less guiltless than herself."

As a result, Canada and Australia and New Zealand have sent their sons across the seas to fight for an empire that refrains from coercion; while, thanks to the policy of the British Liberals which was the expression of the sentiment of the British nation we have the spectacle today of a Botha and a Smuts fighting under the Union Jack. And how about Ireland?

+549+. A similar remark must be made in reference to theories based on the belief that the souls of the dead are incarnate in animals and plants. Reverence for an ancestor might be, and sometimes is, transferred to the object in which he is supposed to be incarnate; from this object a man holds himself to be descended, and he refrains from eating or injuring it.

But that is not our attitude to Philip and his diplomacy, though he is not a Greek or a relation; rather he is not born even of decent barbarian parents he is a cursed wretch from Macedonia which till recently could not supply even a respectable servant." The bitterness of this is intense in a man who generally refrains from anything undignified in a public speech.

It was not like the sudden shock which he had received from that other, that emotional agitation in which were mingled the desire to flee, to escape from a possession and the persistent melancholy of the morrow of a festivity, extinguished candles, the lost refrains of songs, perfumes vanished into the night.

'Sadder if it had been the man wronged, he says Philippa looks up with a laughing retort about each one for himself, but he seems so very grave that she refrains and wonders why he said that, but it is sometime before she finds out. 'A face in a crowd, a glance, a droop of the lashes, and all is said. MARION CRAWFORD.