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If game-shooting within the District is continued, on the marshes of the Eastern Branch and on the Potomac River, common decency demands the enactment of bag-limit laws and long close-season laws of the most modern pattern. Just why it is that gross abuses against wild life have so long been tolerated in the territorial center of the American nation, remains to be ascertained.

There is something peculiarly healthy about this sport in the ring with which the heavy stones clash against each other; in the voices of the burly plaided men, shepherd, and farmer, and laird; in the rough banquet of beef and greens and the copious toddy which close the day's exertions. Frost brings with it an enforced close-season for most of furred and feathered kind.

It contained a bundle of wild asparagus, for salad, and fourteen frogs, which he had killed with a rifle. "You can't get frogs as easily in my part of France," he told me. "If the sport were not forbidden for seven months out of the twelve, the species would long ago have become extinct." I enquired whether the close-season for frogs was officially set down, like that of hares or wildfowl.

Long ago the U.S. Biological Survey sounded a general alarm for this species by the issue of a special bulletin regarding its disappearance, and advising its protection by long close seasons. To their everlasting honor, eight states responded, by the enactment of long close-season laws. This, is the And how is it with the other states that number the wood-duck in their avian faunas?