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To his favourite Buckingham he also sends a diamond, saying that his son will lend him also "an anker" in all probability; but he adds: "If my Babee will not spare the anker from his Mistress, he may well lend thee his round brooch to weare, and yett he shall have jewels to weare in his hat for three grate dayes."

"That is true; t'anks! Come, mine babee, let me to you show how an orange is to eat, when one has no care for the appearance it is nature's own way." She cut a tiny hole through the thick rind with her pearl-handled penknife, then put it to the child's lips and bade him suck out the juice, as the little bees suck honey from the lily-buds. Sara watched her delightedly.

The ol' woman remember she hear little cry in night, an' when a girl live my hotel tell her she saw Pepe diggin' in garden, she talk and talk, an' by 'n' by police come, an' fin' babee under rose-bush. It dead, but Cassiou, he say, been breathe when bury, because have air in lung.

"I nevaire hear you talk that way before. Ees eet the babee? That must be the trouble, Ephraim you worree about the babee." "Thutteration! I don't believe I've thought of the baby in twenty-four hours." "Oo, how could you be so cruel not to theenk of the babee?" murmured his wife. "I theenk of eet efry hour. I hope you are not going to be seek, Ephraim."

"I brought the baby down from the room in the extension, and you took him from me and thanked me very much. You remember this? You said you would lose your place if the baby had been burned." "Ah, then you are the young gentleman so brave who save the babee from being burn? Ah, yes, that was very brave. The ladee give you the reward, yes? That was very good." "Yes, but what about the watch?

Then he gave a delighted little laugh, which roused Sara, who raised her large eyes, now dreamy with far-away thoughts, but which flashed into pleasure at sight of the two. "Pray pardon me," said madame with a gracious little nod; "I would not deesturb you, but the babee, he ees so sweet! You will let me give to him the orange?" "Oh, certainly; thank you!

I am tole there is everything very fonny there all year round, but me I have only been there two, three tam; no good go alone, meet bad company, get on the dhrunk then, sure. Bigosh excusez, Mr. Ringfield, there's nothing like young, handsome wife and plenty babee keep their father straight. Eh? So I tell you what I want to do.

I'm not so bad garçon, you know; kind of fond of drink now and then I 'pologize, 'pologize, m'sieu, for you see me a leetle bit dhrunk. Now understand. I'm by nature a most loving kind of man, and I'm fond of leetle children. Yes, sir, bigosh, excusez a leetle bit of swear but that is my nature, that is me, and I would like, sir, some leetle babee of my own.

I will be for selling this place; get three thousand dollar for it; go to Morréall every winter; perhaps go on that Hotel Champlain or some other nice maison pension and have big tam what do you say? That's no bad thing " Poussette was very earnest here "for me to wish young wife, clever wife, and leetle babee play round! Before I have the hairs gray, or lose what I have. Regardez un peu, m'sieu!"

Suddenly I was aware of Da Costa's presence and turned. His unease was manifest and held, it seemed to me, a queer, furtive anxiety. "What you think of Olaf, sair?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "You think he killed his woman and his babee?" He went on. "You think he crazee and killed all?" "Nonsense, Da Costa," I answered. "You saw the boat was gone.