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Whitwell added, with intensifying irony so of look and tone: "Guess the second Dan'el won't have a chance to tear his degree up; guess he wouldn't ever b'en ready to try for it if it had depended on him. They don't keep any record at Harvard, do they, of the way fellows are prepared for their preliminary examinations?" "I don't quite know what you mean," said Westover.

Well, you can go back to your friends; you'll need them! Mother in Heaven! How you fooled us! We thought you were the straightest man and the staunchest Democrat " "I b'en a Democrat all my life, Mr. Hurlbut. I voted fer " "Well, you're a Democrat no longer. You're done for, do you understand? And we're done with you!"

"It's only Brother Gorringe's pleasant little way of making a contribution to our funds. You will notice that, at the date of all these mortgages, the State rate of interest was seven per cent. Since then it's b'en lowered to six.

Her mist'ess sont her 'way 'bout th'ee o'clock en' Cindy didn' come back till atter sundown; en' she say she b'en lookin' fer de roots, dat dey didn' 'pear ter be none er dem kin' er roots fer a mile er so 'long de aidge er de swamp. "Cindy 'mence' ter git better jes' ez soon as she begun ter drink de root-tea. It wuz a monst'us good med'cine, leas'ways in her case.

"You can make it fifty just as easy," said Turner. "Niggers are all just a passell o' black fools. Bud would 'a' b'en out now, if it hadn't be'n for me. I bought him fer six months. I kept close watch of him for the first five, and then along to'ds the middle er the las' month I let on I'd got keerliss, an' he run away.

"Monsieur Torode?" I asked, and after another staring pause, he said gruffly "B'en! I am Torode. What is it you want?" "A berth on your ship there." "And why? Who are you, then?" "Your son knows me. My name is Carré, Phil Carré. I come from Sercq." "Where there?" "Belfontaine." "Does your father live there?" "He's dead these twenty years. I live with my mother and my grandfather."

Gard confessed to himself that, alone, he would never have dared to face that perilous storm-swept bridge. But the small hand of a girl made all the difference and he stepped alongside her without a tremor. "B'en, Monsieur Gard, was I right?" shouted Bernel in his ear, as they stepped within the shelter of the cutting on the farther side. "You were right. It's a terrible place in a gale."

"D-done it if I hadn't b'en here, wouldn't you?" "Yes, and more too," said Mr. Batch. "W-wouldn't make much difference to you if I wasn't here would it?" "Great Scott, Jethro, what do you mean?" cried the railroad president, in genuine alarm; "you're not going to pull out, are you?" "W-wouldn't make much odds if I did would it, Ed?" "The devil it wouldn't!" exclaimed Mr. Balch.

Then, in the midst of the turmoil, there came the thunderous bellow of the gun, and after a time a trickle of thin blue smoke floated lazily out and hung about the well; and the men outside sniffed appreciatively, and said, "Ch'est b'en!" and waited hopefully.

"I presume he felt the cap fit. But if it hadn't b'en one thing, 'twould b'en another. Mr. Peck was bound to roil the brook for Mr. Gerrish's drinkin', wherever he stood, up stream or down." "Yes. He is a wolf! A wolf in sheep's clothing," said Annie excitedly. "I d'know as you can call him a wolf, exactly," returned Mrs. Bolton dryly. "He's got his good points, I presume." Annie was astounded.