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I don't know what got into 'em. They lost their senses, Mr. Worthington, plumb lost their senses. If you'd a b'en there, you might have brought 'em to. I tried to git the floor, but Ezry Graves " "Confound Ezra Graves, and wait till I have done, can't you," interrupted the first citizen, angrily. "What do you mean by putting a bath-tub into my house with the tin loose, so that I cut my leg on it?"

I've b'en a friend of yours ever since I can remember never fluctuated. I'd rather have chopped my hand off than had this happen so I would. If I could have foreseen what she was, she'd never have had the place, as sure as my name's Levi Dodd." If Mr. Dodd had taken the trouble to look at the seneschal's face, he would have seen a well-defined sneer there.

"I guess Jethro haint' a-comin' must hev b'en delayed by some of them politicians." "It's the first time I ever knew him to miss an appointment," said Cynthia, as they walked back to the hotel. Jethro was not in the corridor, so they passed on to the dining room and looked eagerly from group to group.

One evening Lem Hallowell, after depositing a box of trimmings at Ephraim Prescott's harness shop, drove up to the platform of the store with the remark that "things were gittin' pretty hot down to the capital in that franchise fight." "Hain't you b'en sent for yet, Jake?" he cried, throwing his reins over the backs of his sweating Morgans; "well, that's strange.

They're a numba two, and they'll fit any lady here, I don't ca'e how small a foot she's got. Don't all speak at once, sistas! Ample time allowed for meals. That's a custom-made shoe, and if it hadn't b'en too small for the lady they was oddid foh, you couldn't-'a' got 'em for less than seven dollas; but now I'm throwin' on 'em away for three."

That hain't b'en hurt much, so far as I can ascertain." The next afternoon, when Mr. Isaac D. Worthington happened to be sitting alone in the office of the Truro Railroad at the capital, there came a knock at the door, and Mr. Bijah Bixby entered. Now, incredible as it may seem, Mr. Worthington did not know Mr. Bixby or rather, did not remember him. Mr.

There was but one answer Wetherell would have to go back to the city and face the consequences. He had not the strength to earn his bread on a farm. "If I'd a b'en in any hurry for the money g-guess I'd a notified you," said Jethro. "I think you had better foreclose, Mr. Bass," Wetherell answered; "I can't hold out any hopes to you that it will ever be possible for me to pay it off.

Jethro struck the horse with the whip, an uncommon action with him, and the buggy was jerked forward sharply over the boulders. "Er who's b'en talkin' about mortgages, Cynthy?" he demanded. "Mrs. Cuthbert said that when folks had mortgage held over them they had to take orders whether they liked them or not. She said that Amos had to do what you told him because there was a mortgage.

"So!" said one. "That's the end of Monsieur Martel." "Nom de Gyu! We'll hope so," said the other. "But I'd sooner seen him dead and buried." "'Crais b'en!" said the other with a knowing nod. For all the world knew that if Paul Martel had never come to Sercq, Rachel Carré might have become Mistress Hamon instead of Madame Martel and very much better for her if she had.

I feel terrible unsartin' on the cars. I don't expect you do?" "Not very," said Betty. "I have never had anything happen." "You b'en on 'em before, then?" "Oh, yes, indeed," said Betty. "Ever b'en in Boston? perhaps you come from that way?" "I came from there this morning, but I am on my way from London to Tideshead."