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You send that boy down an' we'll talk it over. Shouldn't wonder if he'd get some backin'. I calculate I might help him, myself, he sez, 'I b'en thinkin' of it too.... Don't seem like it could hardly be true." "Oh, Maw!" Luke's pulses were leaping wildly. Buckwheat honey was the dear dream of many a long hour's wistful meditation.

As the sun sloped toward the rose-coloured hills of the mainland the whole family stood out in front of the lighthouse looking up at the tower. "Regard him well, my children," said Baptiste; "God has given him to us to keep, and to keep us. Thibault says he is a Windigo. B'EN! We shall see that he is a friendly Windigo.

Dave had patien'ly endyoed de finger er scawn, en all de hard words w'at de niggers pile' on 'im, caze he wuz sho' Dilsey would stan' by 'im, en would n' b'lieve he wuz a rogue, ner none er de yuther tales de darkies wuz tellin' 'bout 'im. "W'en Dilsey come back fum town, en got down fum behine de buggy whar she b'en ridin' wid ole mars, de fus' nigger 'ooman she met says ter her,

W'en we hearn de noos, Aun' Lucy, de cook, she up 'n say she seed de strange nigger eat'n' er de scuppernon's behine de smoke-house; en den we knowed de goopher had b'en er wukkin'. Den one er de nigger chilluns runned away fum de quarters one day, en got in de scuppernon's, en died de nex' week. W'ite folks say he die' er de fevuh, but de niggers knowed it wuz de goopher.

"If you'd a fit with him, you wouldn't say that, Miss Lucrety." "I haven't a word to say against his fighting qualities," she replied. "Guess the General might say the same of you," said Ephraim. "If you'd a b'en a man, I callate you'd a come out of the war with two stars on your shoulder. Godfrey, Miss Lucrety, you'd ought to've b'en a man."

"D-done it if I hadn't b'en here, wouldn't you?" "Yes, and more too," said Mr. Batch. "W-wouldn't make much difference to you if I wasn't here would it?" "Great Scott, Jethro, what do you mean?" cried the railroad president, in genuine alarm; "you're not going to pull out, are you?" "W-wouldn't make much odds if I did would it, Ed?" "The devil it wouldn't!" exclaimed Mr. Balch.

He was recovered of his wound, and Martin also, but for the elder, at all events, active life was over, and he would have to be content with the land, and his memories. We came in arm in arm. "Do you see any objection to our marrying at once, M. Le Marchant?" I asked. "We are of one mind in the matter." "B'en!" said Aunt Jeanne, with a face like a globe of light. "We will have it on Wednesday.

But when old Tom Hamon put it to him direct, he had to confess that he never had seen old Mother Vautrin and Marielihou together, nor both at the same time. "B'en!" said old Tom, as if that ended the matter. "An' I tell you, if I had a silver bullet I'd soon try what that Marrlyou's made of." "And why a silver bullet?" asked Graeme. "'Cause Lead bullets an't no good 'gainst the likes o' Marrlyou.

They'd ought to 'a' b'en stooed long ago. I like 'em cooked down an' strained to a jell. I don't see what ails them groc'rymen! Sh'u'd think they c'u'd get around some time before doomsday! Then I want here, you'd best set it down." She took a pencil and a slip of paper from a shelf over the table and gave them to him. "Now, let me see."

The family got out and Jeb drove on to the barn. "What's this on the grass?" asked Mr. Brewster, stooping to pick up a silk stocking. "That's Barbara's, I think," said Anne, instantly divining the cause of its being there. Then Jeb came running back to the house with news. "Ah found th' trunks is b'en opened by some one, an' all th' finery is piled on the grass outside th' barn.